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Rogue 33 variants
These are some Rogue 33 Variants who can get also 50 dex. They lose a little strength, health, armor skin and epic prowess, but gain a lot of skill points, and get 19d6 sneak attack, and 20 dex at the beginning.
Halfling version
Rogue(33), Harper Scout(1), Champion of Torm(6), Halfling
STR: 10
DEX: 20 (38)
CON: 12
WIS: 8
INT: 14
CHA: 8
Halfling: (Fearless, Good Aim, Lucky, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Move Silently, Small Stature)
01: Rogue(1): Expertise
02: Rogue(2): {Evasion}
03: Rogue(3): Weapon Finesse, {Uncanny Dodge I}
04: Rogue(4): DEX+1, (DEX=21)
05: Rogue(5)
06: Rogue(6): Weapon Focus: Shortsword
07: Rogue(7)
08: Rogue(8): DEX+1, (DEX=22)
09: Rogue(9): Blind Fight
10: Rogue(10): Crippling Strike
11: Champion of Torm(1)
12: Champion of Torm(2): DEX+1, Great Fortitude, Knockdown, (DEX=23)
13: Rogue(11)
14: Rogue(12)
15: Rogue(13): Alertness, Improved Evasion
16: Rogue(14): DEX+1, (DEX=24)
17: Rogue(15)
18: Champion of Torm(3): Iron Will, {Smite Evil}
19: Champion of Torm(4): Improved Knockdown
20: Champion of Torm(5): DEX+1, (DEX=25)
21: Champion of Torm(6): Great Dexterity I, Epic Weapon Focus: Shortsword, (DEX=26)
22: Rogue(16): Defensive Roll
23: Rogue(17)
24: Rogue(18): DEX+1, Great Dexterity II, (DEX=28)
25: Rogue(19): Slippery Mind
26: Rogue(20)
27: Rogue(21): Great Dexterity III, (DEX=29)
28: Rogue(22): DEX+1, (DEX=30)
29: Rogue(23)
30: Rogue(24): Great Dexterity IV, Epic Dodge, (DEX=31)
31: Rogue(25)
32: Rogue(26): DEX+1, (DEX=32)
33: Rogue(27): Great Dexterity V, (DEX=33)
34: Rogue(28): Improved Sneak Attack I
35: Rogue(29)
36: Rogue(30): DEX+1, Great Dexterity VI, (DEX=35)
37: Rogue(31)
38: Rogue(32): Improved Sneak Attack II
39: Harper Scout(1): Great Dexterity VII, Great Dexterity VIII, (DEX=37)
40: Rogue(33): DEX+1, (DEX=38)
Hitpoints: 304
Skillpoints: 390
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 26/21/41
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +4, Traps: +5, Fear: +2
BAB: 26
AB (max, naked): 44 (melee), 42 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane items only): 33/35
Spell Casting:
Alignment Changes: 0
Disable Trap 43(47), Discipline 42(42), Lore 6(9), Open Lock 16(30), Persuade 8(7), Search 18(20), Set Trap 29(45), Spellcraft 18(20), Spot 43(48), Tumble 40(54), UMD 34(33), remaining skillpoints 75
Elven version
Rogue(33), Harper Scout(1), Champion of Torm(6), Elf
STR: 10
DEX: 20 (38)
CON: 12
WIS: 8
INT: 14
CHA: 8
Elf: (Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Keen Sense, Low-light Vision, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Search, Skill Affinity: Spot, Sleeplessness)
01: Rogue(1): Expertise
02: Rogue(2): {Evasion}
03: Rogue(3): Weapon Finesse, {Uncanny Dodge I}
04: Rogue(4): DEX+1, (DEX=21)
05: Rogue(5)
06: Rogue(6): Weapon Focus: Rapier
07: Rogue(7)
08: Rogue(8): DEX+1, (DEX=22)
09: Rogue(9): Blind Fight
10: Rogue(10): Crippling Strike
11: Champion of Torm(1)
12: Champion of Torm(2): DEX+1, Great Fortitude, Knockdown, (DEX=23)
13: Rogue(11)
14: Rogue(12)
15: Rogue(13): Alertness, Improved Evasion
16: Rogue(14): DEX+1, (DEX=24)
17: Rogue(15)
18: Champion of Torm(3): Iron Will, {Smite Evil}
19: Champion of Torm(4): Improved Knockdown
20: Champion of Torm(5): DEX+1, (DEX=25)
21: Champion of Torm(6): Great Dexterity I, Epic Weapon Focus: Rapier, (DEX=26)
22: Rogue(16): Defensive Roll
23: Rogue(17)
24: Rogue(18): DEX+1, Great Dexterity II, (DEX=28)
25: Rogue(19): Slippery Mind
26: Rogue(20)
27: Rogue(21): Great Dexterity III, (DEX=29)
28: Rogue(22): DEX+1, (DEX=30)
29: Rogue(23)
30: Rogue(24): Great Dexterity IV, Epic Dodge, (DEX=31)
31: Rogue(25)
32: Rogue(26): DEX+1, (DEX=32)
33: Rogue(27): Great Dexterity V, (DEX=33)
34: Rogue(28): Improved Sneak Attack I
35: Rogue(29)
36: Rogue(30): DEX+1, Great Dexterity VI, (DEX=35)
37: Rogue(31)
38: Rogue(32): Improved Sneak Attack II
39: Harper Scout(1): Great Dexterity VII, Great Dexterity VIII, (DEX=37)
40: Rogue(33): DEX+1, (DEX=38)
Hitpoints: 304
Skillpoints: 390
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 25/20/40
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +4, Mind Effects: +2, Traps: +5
BAB: 26
AB (max, naked): 43 (melee), 40 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane items only): 32/35
Spell Casting:
Alignment Changes: 0
Disable Trap 43(47), Discipline 42(42), Lore 6(9), Open Lock 16(30), Persuade 8(7), Search 18(22), Set Trap 29(45), Spellcraft 18(20), Spot 43(46), Tumble 40(54), UMD 34(33), remaining skillpoints 75