Home › Forums › Character Builds › NWN Campaign NPC rebuilds › Xanos Messarmos – The Half-orc Sorcerer – Barbarian 4 / Sorcerer 26 / RDD 10 › Reply To: Xanos Messarmos – The Half-orc Sorcerer – Barbarian 4 / Sorcerer 26 / RDD 10
November 21, 2020 at 11:23 pm
Hey Max, Xanos looks nice. A Taunting half-orc sorcerer spellblade! Now that is an ambitious build! Well done.
Were you ever tempted with all that strength, to go two handed?
I think you would level more easily rushing Sorc 6-8 before pumping into RDD. You may have to drop Expertise and lose some skill points though. If you are playing for maximum build power you might want to keep things as they are.