Aribeth de Tylmarande – The Fallen Paladin – Paladin 26 / Blackguard 4 / CoT 10

Home Forums Character Builds NWN Campaign NPC rebuilds Aribeth de Tylmarande – The Fallen Paladin – Paladin 26 / Blackguard 4 / CoT 10

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  • #937
    Maximillian Kane

      Hail, everyone!


      This is my interpretation of Aribeth, the Paladin who lost her ways for a while, but later found redemption and a path back to righteousness. She was always a bit of an extremist, whether she was siding with the good guys or with the baddies, so to me that means she’d be a narrow-minded, black and white kind of person. The best way to represent this in game terms was to make her a dual Great Smiter.


      She doesn’t have very high AB, although with Paladin buffs and Taunt, it becomes pretty acceptable to deal with mobs. However, against Evil or Good foes, she can do obscene amounts of damage, with Divine Might, Holy Sword, Divine Favor, Deafening Clang, Greater Magic Weapon and Smite Evil / Good. It’s quite conceivable she can kill very tough good or evil enemies in one round, especially if she crits on one of her smites. She also enjoys very high saves and good AC with Divine Shield, even though she doesn’t get Tumble as a class skill. This is one of those rare builds where Improved Critical actually makes a huge difference, because being able to crit on a Smite pretty much ensures you’ll kill the enemy instantly, so it’s definitely worth the investment. Sadly, with the heavy requirements, I was unable to get Expertise, so the Taunt / Expertise combo isn’t available to her. I would’ve also liked to get Extra Turning for more DM / DS uses per day, Blind Fight, to deal with concealed foes, and Extend Spell, but there just weren’t enough feats, sadly.


      A little tip I could give you about playing her is to carry around that item nobody uses called Dust of Appearance. With it, she can get rid of the concealment bonus granted by Improved Invisibility, which will make her life much easier!


      Anyway, I hope you like her! Ladies and Gentlemen: Aribeth!



      Paladin(26), Blackguard(4), Champion of Torm(10), Half-Elf

      STR: 14 (16)
      DEX: 8
      CON: 10
      WIS: 14
      INT: 14
      CHA: 16 (26)

      Half-Elf: (Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Low-light Vision, Partial Skill Affinity: Listen, Partial Skill Affinity: Search, Partial Skill Affinity: Spot, Sleeplessness)
      01: Paladin(1): Power Attack
      02: Paladin(2): {Smite Evil}
      03: Paladin(3): Divine Shield
      04: Paladin(4): CHA+1, (CHA=17)
      05: Paladin(5)
      06: Paladin(6): Cleave
      07: Paladin(7)
      08: Paladin(8): CHA+1, (CHA=18)
      09: Blackguard(1): Improved Critical: Longsword, *Alignment Change*
      10: Blackguard(2): {Smite Good}
      11: Blackguard(3)
      12: Blackguard(4): CHA+1, Divine Might, (CHA=19)
      13: Paladin(9): *Alignment Change*
      14: Paladin(10)
      15: Paladin(11): Weapon Focus: Longsword
      16: Paladin(12): CHA+1, (CHA=20)
      17: Paladin(13)
      18: Paladin(14): Extra Smiting
      19: Paladin(15)
      20: Champion of Torm(1): CHA+1, (CHA=21)
      21: Paladin(16): Great Charisma I, (CHA=22)
      22: Paladin(17)
      23: Paladin(18)
      24: Paladin(19): CHA+1, Great Charisma II, (CHA=24)
      25: Paladin(20)
      26: Paladin(21)
      27: Paladin(22): Armor Skin
      28: Paladin(23): CHA+1, Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword, (CHA=25)
      29: Paladin(24)
      30: Paladin(25): Great Smite I
      31: Champion of Torm(2): Great Smite II
      32: Champion of Torm(3): STR+1, (STR=15)
      33: Champion of Torm(4): Great Smite III, Great Smite IV
      34: Champion of Torm(5)
      35: Champion of Torm(6): Great Smite V
      36: Champion of Torm(7): STR+1, Great Smite VI, (STR=16)
      37: Champion of Torm(8): Great Smite VII
      38: Champion of Torm(9)
      39: Champion of Torm(10): Great Smite VIII, Great Smite IX
      40: Paladin(26): CHA+1, Great Smite X, (CHA=26)

      Hitpoints: 400
      Skillpoints: 172
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 46/39/38
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +3, Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 30
      AB (max, naked): 36 (melee), 29 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 15/26
      Spell Casting: Paladin(4)
      Alignment Changes: 2

      Disable Trap 1(3), Discipline 43(46), Hide 5(4), Lore 6(8), Open Lock 1(0), Spellcraft 13(15), Taunt 43(51), Tumble 20(19)

      01: Discipline(4), Hide(2), Taunt(4), Tumble(2),
      02: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(2),
      03: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      04: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(2),
      05: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      06: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(2),
      07: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      08: Discipline(1), Open Lock(1), Taunt(1),
      09: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      10: Disable Trap(1), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      11: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      12: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      13: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      14: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      15: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      16: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      17: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      18: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      19: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      20: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(1),
      21: Discipline(1), Taunt(2), Tumble(1),
      22: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      23: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      24: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      25: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      26: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      27: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      28: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      29: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      30: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      31: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), Save(1),
      32: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(2),
      33: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Tumble(1),
      34: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1),
      35: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Tumble(1),
      36: Discipline(1), Lore(3),
      37: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), Save(1),
      38: Discipline(1), Save(4),
      39: Discipline(1), Save(7),
      40: Discipline(1), Taunt(10),


      As you may have noticed, this build, although the most faithful representation of Aribeth, involves two alignment changes, which unfortunately makes her illegal in many places. To get around that, I made a second version of Aribeth, replacing Blackguard with Fighter, which would be legal in most places, but IMO doesn’t really fully represent the NPC’s story.


      FWIW, here’s the legal version of Aribeth:


      Paladin(26), Fighter(4), Champion of Torm(10), Half-Elf

      STR: 14 (16)
      DEX: 8
      CON: 10
      WIS: 14
      INT: 14
      CHA: 16 (26)

      Half-Elf: (Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Low-light Vision, Partial Skill Affinity: Listen, Partial Skill Affinity: Search, Partial Skill Affinity: Spot, Sleeplessness)
      01: Paladin(1): Power Attack
      02: Paladin(2): {Smite Evil}
      03: Paladin(3): Divine Shield
      04: Paladin(4): CHA+1, (CHA=17)
      05: Paladin(5)
      06: Paladin(6): Expertise
      07: Paladin(7)
      08: Paladin(8): CHA+1, (CHA=18)
      09: Paladin(9): Improved Critical: Longsword
      10: Paladin(10)
      11: Paladin(11)
      12: Paladin(12): CHA+1, Divine Might, (CHA=19)
      13: Paladin(13)
      14: Paladin(14)
      15: Paladin(15): Weapon Focus: Longsword
      16: Paladin(16): CHA+1, (CHA=20)
      17: Paladin(17)
      18: Paladin(18): Extra Smiting
      19: Paladin(19)
      20: Champion of Torm(1): CHA+1, (CHA=21)
      21: Fighter(1): Great Charisma I, Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword, (CHA=22)
      22: Fighter(2): Armor Skin
      23: Fighter(3)
      24: Fighter(4): CHA+1, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Epic Weapon Specialization: Longsword, (CHA=23)
      25: Paladin(20)
      26: Paladin(21)
      27: Paladin(22): Great Charisma II, (CHA=24)
      28: Paladin(23): CHA+1, Epic Prowess, (CHA=25)
      29: Paladin(24)
      30: Paladin(25): Great Smite I
      31: Champion of Torm(2): Great Smite II
      32: Champion of Torm(3): STR+1, (STR=15)
      33: Champion of Torm(4): Great Smite III, Great Smite IV
      34: Champion of Torm(5)
      35: Champion of Torm(6): Great Smite V
      36: Champion of Torm(7): STR+1, Great Smite VI, (STR=16)
      37: Champion of Torm(8): Great Smite VII
      38: Champion of Torm(9)
      39: Champion of Torm(10): Great Smite VIII, Great Smite IX
      40: Paladin(26): CHA+1, Great Smite X, (CHA=26)

      Hitpoints: 400
      Skillpoints: 172
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 36/31/30
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +4, Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 30
      AB (max, naked): 37 (melee), 30 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 15/26
      Spell Casting: Paladin(4)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Disable Trap 1(3), Discipline 43(46), Lore 6(8), Open Lock 1(0), Spellcraft 18(20), Taunt 43(51), Tumble 20(19)

      01: Disable Trap(1), Discipline(4), Open Lock(1), Taunt(4), Tumble(2),
      02: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      03: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      04: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      05: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      06: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      07: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      08: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      09: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      10: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      11: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      12: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      13: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      14: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      15: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      16: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      17: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      18: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      19: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      20: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(1),
      21: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Tumble(1),
      22: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(1),
      23: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), Save(2),
      24: Discipline(1), Save(5),
      25: Discipline(1), Taunt(6), Tumble(1),
      26: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      27: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      28: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      29: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      30: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      31: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), Save(1),
      32: Discipline(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
      33: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Tumble(1),
      34: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1),
      35: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Tumble(1),
      36: Discipline(1), Lore(3),
      37: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), Save(1),
      38: Discipline(1), Save(4),
      39: Discipline(1), Save(7),
      40: Discipline(1), Taunt(10),


      So, what do you guys think?


      Take it EZ!

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