Home › Forums › Character Builds › Baldur’s Gate NPCs for NWN › Cernd – Druid 20 / Shifter 17 / Monk 3
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 December 2020 at 9:05 am by
Maximillian Kane.
December 7, 2020 at 9:05 am #980
Maximillian Kane
Hey everyone!
This is my NWN interpretation of Cernd, the Shapeshifter you can recruit in BG 2. As usual with Druids, he was a very “generic” NPC, who mostly kept to himself and was all “I would graldly die to protect Nature’s balance”. It’s really a shame that they didn’t put that much effort into him in a game with so many colorful characters to choose from. You meet him in Trademeet, where animal trouble is afoot, and he gets caught snooping around. You can choose to do this side quest and he will join your party. In the game, he had Werewolf shape and Greater Werewolf shape, which granted him a lot of immunities and resistances. That is best represented in NWN by Shifter Epic Shapes (Undead Shape and Construct Shape), so instead of making him a single-shape Shifter, I decided to make him a generic Druid / Shifter, which is much easier and more fun to play in NWN.
This is a very versatile combat build, with lots of skill points, but not a lot of useful skills to spend them all. All 3 classes in this build are mandatory, although the number of levels of each can be debated. Druid / Shifter without Monk levels is so gimped in NWN that it wouldn’t be worth it in the end. He can use all of his non-epic shapes unlimited times per day, which allows him to pretty much never fight in Human form unless he for some reason wants to. His stats were crappy in BG and are crappy here as well, only his Wisdom being good. However, because when he shifts, he also takes on most of the stats of the beasts he transforms into, that doesn’t really affect him much. He even has Weapon Finesse to make the most use of his DEX shapes. He has decent DCs for his spells, but casting isn’t really his bread’n’butter. He’s all about the shapes and using different ones for different situations. Since he has all of them, you get a lot of versatility on what to use.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Cernd!
Druid(20), Shifter(17), Monk(3), Human
STR: 8
DEX: 14
CON: 10
WIS: 18 (32)
INT: 14
CHA: 8Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Druid(1): Expertise, Extend Spell
02: Druid(2)
03: Druid(3): Knockdown
04: Druid(4): WIS+1, (WIS=19)
05: Druid(5)
06: Druid(6): Weapon Finesse
07: Druid(7)
08: Druid(8): WIS+1, (WIS=20)
09: Druid(9): Blind Fight
10: Druid(10)
11: Druid(11)
12: Druid(12): WIS+1, Improved Knockdown, (WIS=21)
13: Druid(13)
14: Druid(14)
15: Druid(15): Alertness
16: Druid(16): WIS+1, (WIS=22)
17: Shifter(1)
18: Shifter(2): Empower Spell
19: Shifter(3)
20: Shifter(4): WIS+1, (WIS=23)
21: Druid(17): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=24)
22: Monk(1): {Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist}
23: Shifter(5)
24: Shifter(6): WIS+1, Great Wisdom II, (WIS=26)
25: Shifter(7)
26: Shifter(8)
27: Shifter(9): Great Wisdom III, (WIS=27)
28: Shifter(10): WIS+1, (WIS=28)
29: Shifter(11)
30: Shifter(12): Great Wisdom IV, (WIS=29)
31: Shifter(13): Undead Shape
32: Monk(2): WIS+1, {Deflect Arrows}, (WIS=30)
33: Shifter(14): Dragon Shape
34: Shifter(15)
35: Shifter(16): Construct Shape
36: Druid(18): WIS+1, Armor Skin, (WIS=31)
37: Druid(19)
38: Shifter(17)
39: Monk(3): Epic Prowess
40: Druid(20): WIS+1, (WIS=32)Hitpoints: 320
Skillpoints: 301
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 24/32/21
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +9, Mind Effects: +2, Fear: +2
BAB: 25
AB (max, naked): 28 (melee), 28 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 33/33
Spell Casting: Druid(9)
Alignment Changes: 0Animal Empathy 43(42), Concentration 43(43), Disable Trap 1(3), Discipline 42(41), Heal 2(13), Lore 43(45), Open Lock 1(3), Spellcraft 43(45), Spot 41(54), Tumble 40(42)
01: Animal Empathy(4), Concentration(4), Disable Trap(1), Lore(4), Open Lock(1), Spellcraft(4), Save(8),
02: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(11),
03: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(14),
04: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(17),
05: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(20),
06: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(23),
07: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(26),
08: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(29),
09: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(32),
10: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(35),
11: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(38),
12: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(41),
13: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(44),
14: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(47),
15: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(50),
16: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(53),
17: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(20), Save(37),
18: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(40),
19: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(43),
20: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(46),
21: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(5), Save(45),
22: Concentration(1), Discipline(25), Lore(1), Tumble(25),
23: Animal Empathy(2), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(3),
24: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Heal(2), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(1),
25: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(4),
26: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(7),
27: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(10),
28: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(13),
29: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(16),
30: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(19),
31: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(22),
32: Concentration(1), Discipline(10), Lore(1), Tumble(10), Save(7),
33: Animal Empathy(2), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(2), Save(8),
34: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(11),
35: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(1), Save(14),
36: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(15), Save(3),
37: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(6),
38: Animal Empathy(1), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spot(3), Save(7),
39: Concentration(1), Discipline(7), Lore(1), Tumble(5),
40: Animal Empathy(2), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(3),I hope you like him!
Take it EZ!
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