Dual Kama Cleric Devastator (Cleric 33 / Monk 6 / Rogue 1)

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      10+ attacks / round, outrageous cleric + monk bonuses, up to 66 round extended silence aura (white circle), Devastating Critical + UMD. Source: NWN EE (WoG PW)


      10+ attacks per round, fast, heavy damage, devastating critical, UMD, high AB/immunities/spells from cleric. I’ll update the post further when I get some time.

      Some points:

      • 8-10 attacks / round with dual kamas, divine power, haste and flurry
      • Even more attacks with Attack of Opportunity and Cleave/Great Cleave
      • With 10 attacks, 414 to 464 added damage / round (add weapon damage and 10d6 sneak attack on top of it). +110-160 fire damage/round and +70 magic damage/round from Darkfire and Divine Favor/Battletide, +184 strength (physical) damage/round, +50 physical damage/round with Greater Magic Weapon (+5)
      • Devastating Critical (at level 30) fort save or die DC 40-46
      • Ultra high AB with Cleric bonuses and Base 30 Str. Keen Kama (potentially from UMD), all attacks hit and threat roll passed, approximately 80% chance of critical hit (and devastating critical) per round which is more likely due to cleric bonuses. (ie. 0.85^10 = 19.57% chance of no critical hit / round if all attacks hit and threat roll passed)
      • Full (up to level 9) ‘undispellable’ and Mord resistant cleric spellbook
      • UMD, Evasion, 1d6 sneak attack, Improved Knockdown, Extend Spell, Monk Speed
      • With + 5 equipment up to AC 63 [10 Base + 8 (Dex) + 10 (Wis) + 8 (Tumble) + 2 (Armor Skin) + 1 (Monk) + 4 (Haste) + 5 (Armor) + 5 (Natural) + 5 (Dodge) + 5 (Deflection)], AC 67 with Bracer of Shielding (+4)
      • Haste/Globe of Invulnerability/Silence combo for a fast, self-silence aura without being silenced
      • Other cleric good things (mind immunity, ability/level drain immunity, negative energy immunity, death immunity, darkness/ultravision, true seeing, greater sanctuary, Word of Faith, SoV etc etc)
      • Weaknesses – lowish HP (Endurance spell), late level 7-9 cleric spells to fit everything in, mediocre concentration, low spellcraft, critical immunes with high damage resistance, vulnerable if dispelled or Mord’ed successfully

      Build details:

      Cleric(33), Monk(6), Rogue(1), Human

      Lawful Neutral (WoG Deity Fharlanghn)

      STR: 16 (30)
      DEX: 15
      CON: 8
      WIS: 16 (19)
      INT: 10
      CHA: 8

      Human: (Quick to Master)
      01: Monk(1): Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, {Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist}
      02: Cleric(1): Domain Travel, Domain Protection
      03: Cleric(2): Weapon Focus: Kama
      04: Cleric(3): STR+1, (STR=17)
      05: Cleric(4)
      06: Cleric(5): Extend Spell
      07: Cleric(6)
      08: Cleric(7): STR+1, (STR=18)
      09: Cleric(8): Power Attack
      10: Cleric(9)
      11: Cleric(10)
      12: Cleric(11): STR+1, Improved Critical: Kama, (STR=19)
      13: Cleric(12)
      14: Cleric(13)
      15: Cleric(14): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
      16: Cleric(15): STR+1, (STR=20)
      17: Monk(2): {Deflect Arrows}
      18: Cleric(16): Great Cleave
      19: Monk(3)
      20: Monk(4): STR+1, (STR=21)
      21: Cleric(17): Great Strength I, (STR=22)
      22: Cleric(18)
      23: Cleric(19)
      24: Cleric(20): STR+1, Great Strength II, (STR=24)
      25: Cleric(21)
      26: Cleric(22)
      27: Cleric(23): Overwhelming Critical: Kama, Great Wisdom I, (WIS=17)
      28: Cleric(24): STR+1, (STR=25)
      29: Cleric(25)
      30: Cleric(26): Devastating Critical: Kama, Great Wisdom II, (WIS=18)
      31: Rogue(1) <- 20% exp penalty from here
      32: Cleric(27): STR+1, (STR=26)
      33: Cleric(28): Epic Weapon Focus: Kama
      34: Cleric(29): Great Wisdom III, (WIS=19)
      35: Monk(5)
      36: Cleric(30): STR+1, Great Strength III, (STR=28)
      37: Monk(6): {Knockdown, Improved Knockdown}
      38: Cleric(31)
      39: Cleric(32): Great Strength IV, Armor Skin, (STR=29)
      40: Cleric(33): STR+1, (STR=30)

      Hitpoints: 278
      Skillpoints: 153
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 23/28/21
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +3, Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 25
      AB (max, naked): 38 (melee), 27 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 27/32
      Spell Casting: Cleric(9)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Concentration 39(38), Disable Trap 1(1), Open Lock 1(3), Search 8(8), Set Trap 1(3), Spellcraft 15(15), Spot 13(17), Tumble 40(42), UMD 34(33)

      01: Concentration(4), Open Lock(1), Save(14),
      02: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(5), Save(11),
      03: Concentration(1), Save(13),
      04: Concentration(1), Save(15),
      05: Concentration(1), Save(17),
      06: Concentration(1), Save(19),
      07: Concentration(1), Save(21),
      08: Concentration(1), Save(23),
      09: Concentration(1), Save(25),
      10: Concentration(1), Save(27),
      11: Concentration(1), Save(29),
      12: Concentration(1), Save(31),
      13: Concentration(1), Save(33),
      14: Concentration(1), Save(35),
      15: Concentration(1), Save(37),
      16: Concentration(1), Save(39),
      17: Concentration(1), Tumble(20), Save(23),
      18: Concentration(1), Save(25),
      19: Concentration(1), Save(29),
      20: Concentration(1), Save(33),
      21: Concentration(1), Save(35),
      22: Concentration(1), Save(37),
      23: Concentration(1), Save(39),
      24: Concentration(1), Save(41),
      25: Concentration(1), Save(43),
      26: Save(46),
      27: Save(49),
      28: Save(52),
      29: Save(55),
      30: Save(58),
      31: Disable Trap(1), Search(8), Set Trap(1), Spot(13), Tumble(10), UMD(34),
      32: Concentration(3),
      33: Concentration(3),
      34: Concentration(3),
      35: Tumble(5),
      36: Concentration(2), Spellcraft(1),
      37: Tumble(5),
      38: Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
      39: Spellcraft(3), Save(2),
      40: Spellcraft(5),

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