Deekin – The Cute Kobold Bard – Bard 20 / Fighter 10 / RDD 10

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  • #946
    Maximillian Kane

      Hail, everyone!


      This is my interpretation of Deekin Scalesinger, the Kobold Bard you can pick up in SoU, who will accompany you all the way to the end of HotU, if you chose to take him along. This is a build I was very careful when I made, because I kind of saw him as a shy ranged attacker, who was scared of melee confrontations, but as the dragon blood grew stronger within him, he started to become more self-confident and powerful. So at the start of his career, he’ll be a ranged support character with his light crossbow, then as he nears Epic levels, he’ll start trying his hand at melee combat with his shortsword, until he gets his 10 RDD levels, and becomes a force to be reckoned with. He’s a versatile character, who knows how to manage in both melee and ranged combat, and has a powerful Bard Song and Curse Song to accompany him. I didn’t see him as a DevCritter, though, and obviously, he can’t be a Kobold, so I had to choose Gnome, but you can type in a sub-race at character creation, so that your Character Sheet says Kobold, at least, even though the racial benefits and appearance will be of a Gnome.


      Ladies and Gentlemen, Deekin, the Bard!



      Bard(20), Fighter(10), Red Dragon Disciple(10), Gnome (Kobold)

      STR: 14 (34)
      DEX: 10
      CON: 16 (18)
      WIS: 8
      INT: 14 (16)
      CHA: 14 (16)

      Gnome: (Defensive Training vs. Giants, Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Low-light Vision, Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids, Offensive Training vs. Reptilians, Skill Affinity: Concentration, Skill Affinity: Listen, Small Stature, Spell Focus: Illusion)
      01: Bard(1): Blind Fight
      02: Fighter(1): Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow
      03: Fighter(2): Called Shot, Point Blank Shot
      04: Fighter(3): STR+1, (STR=15)
      05: Fighter(4): Weapon Specialization: Light Crossbow
      06: Bard(2): Rapid Reload
      07: Red Dragon Disciple(1)
      08: Red Dragon Disciple(2): STR+1, (STR=18)
      09: Red Dragon Disciple(3): Expertise
      10: Red Dragon Disciple(4): (STR=20)
      11: Red Dragon Disciple(5)
      12: Bard(3): STR+1, Extend Spell, (STR=21)
      13: Red Dragon Disciple(6)
      14: Red Dragon Disciple(7): (CON=18)
      15: Red Dragon Disciple(8): Power Attack
      16: Fighter(5): STR+1, (STR=22)
      17: Fighter(6): Weapon Focus: Shortsword
      18: Bard(4): Curse Song
      19: Fighter(7)
      20: Fighter(8): STR+1, Weapon Specialization: Shortsword, (STR=23)
      21: Red Dragon Disciple(9): Armor Skin, (INT=16)
      22: Red Dragon Disciple(10): {Darkvision}, (STR=27), (CHA=16)
      23: Fighter(9)
      24: Bard(5): STR+1, Cleave, (STR=28)
      25: Bard(6)
      26: Bard(7)
      27: Bard(8): Epic Weapon Focus: Shortsword
      28: Bard(9): STR+1, (STR=29)
      29: Bard(10)
      30: Bard(11): Great Strength I, (STR=30)
      31: Bard(12)
      32: Bard(13): STR+1, (STR=31)
      33: Bard(14): Great Strength II, (STR=32)
      34: Bard(15)
      35: Bard(16)
      36: Bard(17): STR+1, Epic Prowess, (STR=33)
      37: Bard(18)
      38: Bard(19)
      39: Bard(20): Lasting Inspiration
      40: Fighter(10): STR+1, Epic Weapon Specialization: Shortsword, (STR=34)

      Hitpoints: 464
      Skillpoints: 237
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 27/21/18
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +7, Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 27
      AB (max, naked): 44 (melee), 30 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 25/35
      Spell Casting: Bard(6)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Discipline 43(55), Lore 8(31), Perform 42(45), Spellcraft 32(35), Taunt 42(45), Tumble 40(40), UMD 30(33)

      01: Discipline(2), Lore(4), Perform(4), Taunt(4), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(2),
      02: Lore(1), Save(5),
      03: Lore(1), Save(8),
      04: Lore(1), Save(11),
      05: Lore(1), Save(14),
      06: Perform(5), Taunt(5), Tumble(5), UMD(5),
      07: Discipline(2), Save(2),
      08: Save(6),
      09: Save(10),
      10: Save(14),
      11: Save(18),
      12: Perform(6), Taunt(6), Tumble(6), UMD(6),
      13: Discipline(2), Save(2),
      14: Save(6),
      15: Save(10),
      16: Save(14),
      17: Save(18),
      18: Perform(6), Taunt(6), Tumble(6), UMD(6),
      19: Discipline(3), Save(1),
      20: Discipline(2), Save(3),
      21: Save(7),
      22: Save(12),
      23: Save(17),
      24: Perform(6), Taunt(6), Tumble(6), UMD(6),
      25: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      26: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      27: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      28: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      29: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      30: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      31: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      32: Discipline(3), Perform(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      33: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(3), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      34: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(3), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      35: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(3), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      36: Perform(1), Spellcraft(4), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      37: Perform(1), Spellcraft(4), Taunt(1), Tumble(1),
      38: Perform(1), Spellcraft(4), Taunt(1), Save(1),
      39: Perform(1), Spellcraft(6), Taunt(1),
      40: Discipline(5),


      I hope you like him!


      Take it EZ!

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