Dual Kukri Dev Crit Epic Bardic Master (Bard 31 / Blackguard 4 / Rogue 5)

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      Image source: NWN EE (WoG PW)

      Three devastating critical hits in a single three hit flurry. Image source: NWN EE (WoG PW)


      This is a dual kukri devastating critical version of the Epic Bardic Master I previously created.

      • 7 attacks (with Haste) with keen kukris (threat range 12-20)
      • Dev Crit Fort save or die DC 38-44
      • AC lowering with Curse Song (-5 to 7 AC)/Darkness/Hold Monster or Confusion
      • AC boosts with Haste/Bard Song
      • Hard to hit with 50% concealment from Improved Invisibility and 50% attack miss chance from Darkness
      • AB boost with Bard Song/Bull’s/War Cry
      • Damage boost with Divine Might / Power Attack / 4d6 sneak attack / Bard Song / Flame Weapon (UMD) / Bless Weapon or Holy Sword (UMD)
      • Darkness/Ultravision/Sneak Attack (up to 4d6) combo
      • Silence casters with self cast aura (for tricks how to use the silence spell well, here is a guide)
      • Set and retrieve Epic Traps, Craft Deadly Traps, Open Lock up to DC 60 with +10 pick, Search skill
      • Potentially Level 30 bard song with Lasting Inspiration to boost skills even further
      • Level 1-6 bard spells
      • Great saves with Dark Blessing (up to +9 to all from CHA bonus), bard song (will +3 fort +2 reflex +2) and bard song boosted spellcraft (+6 or more to saves against spells) + evasion to avoid damage against reflex saves
      • Weaknesses – low base HP, arcane spell failure using armor (reduced arcane spell failure equipment recommended)

      Top left – Bugbears (Ghost Tower), Darkness/Ultravision/Divine Might/Keen Weapon/Sneak Attack. Top right – Ethereal Visage / Self-Silence. Bottom left – Duergar/Darkness/Ultravision. Bottom right – after battle. Image source: NWN EE, WoG PW

      Epic Bard song boosts skills and has excellent synergy with rogue skills – disable/retrieve/set epic traps (DC 65+), open locks (DC 60+ with a +10 pick). Sources: NWN EE (WoG PW)

      Build details:

      Bard(31), Blackguard(4), Rogue(5), Human

      Neutral or chaotic evil

      STR: 15 (26)
      DEX: 15
      CON: 10
      WIS: 8
      INT: 14
      CHA: 14 (16)

      Human: (Quick to Master)
      01: Rogue(1): Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity
      02: Bard(1)
      03: Bard(2): Weapon Proficiency Exotic
      04: Bard(3): STR+1, (STR=16)
      05: Bard(4)
      06: Bard(5): Power Attack
      07: Bard(6)
      08: Rogue(2): STR+1, {Evasion}, (STR=17)
      09: Bard(7): Cleave
      10: Blackguard(1)
      11: Blackguard(2): {Smite Good}
      12: Blackguard(3): STR+1, Divine Might, (STR=18)
      13: Bard(8)
      14: Rogue(3): {Uncanny Dodge I}
      15: Bard(9): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
      16: Bard(10): STR+1, (STR=19)
      17: Bard(11)
      18: Blackguard(4): Weapon Focus: Kukri
      19: Bard(12)
      20: Rogue(4): STR+1, (STR=20)
      21: Bard(13): Improved Critical: Kukri
      22: Bard(14)
      23: Bard(15)
      24: Bard(16): STR+1, Curse Song, (STR=21)
      25: Bard(17)
      26: Bard(18)
      27: Bard(19): Great Strength I, (STR=22)
      28: Bard(20): STR+1, (STR=23)
      29: Bard(21)
      30: Bard(22): Great Cleave
      31: Bard(23): Lasting Inspiration
      32: Bard(24): STR+1, (STR=24)
      33: Bard(25): Overwhelming Critical: Kukri
      34: Rogue(5)
      35: Bard(26): Great Charisma I, (CHA=15)
      36: Bard(27): STR+1, Devastating Critical: Kukri, (STR=25)
      37: Bard(28)
      38: Bard(29): Great Charisma II, (CHA=16)
      39: Bard(30): Epic Weapon Focus: Kukri
      40: Bard(31): STR+1, (STR=26)

      Hitpoints: 256
      Skillpoints: 325
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 22/22/28
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +6
      BAB: 26
      AB (max, naked): 37 (melee), 28 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 20/30
      Spell Casting: Bard(6)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Recommended spells:
      Level 6 – Dirge, Energy Buffer, Mass Haste, Ice Storm
      Level 5 – Ethereal Visage, Greater Dispelling, Healing circle, Mind Fog, Summon Creature V
      Level 4 – Improved Invisibility, War cry, Hold Monster, Dismissal, Legend Lore or Dominate Person
      Level 3 – Haste, Wounding Whispers, Slow, Greater Magic Weapon, Confusion
      Level 2 – Bull’s Strength, Darkness, Ultravision, Silence, See Invisibility or Eagle’s Splendor
      Level 1 – Protection from alignment, Grease, Amplify, Mage Armor, Identify or Charm Person

      Disable Trap 37(41), Discipline 43(51), Hide 5(7), Open Lock 12(14), Perform 43(46), Search 23(25), Set Trap 32(36), Spellcraft 28(30), Spot 35(34), Tumble 40(42), UMD 27(30)

      01: Disable Trap(4), Hide(4), Open Lock(4), Search(4), Set Trap(4), Spot(4), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(12),
      02: Discipline(5), Hide(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(5),
      03: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(6),
      04: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(7),
      05: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(11),
      06: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(15),
      07: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(16),
      08: Disable Trap(7), Open Lock(6), Search(4), Set Trap(1), Spot(7), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      09: Discipline(2), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(3),
      10: Discipline(1), Save(7),
      11: Save(12),
      12: Save(17),
      13: Perform(3), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(13),
      14: Disable Trap(6), Open Lock(2), Search(2), Set Trap(6), Spot(6), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      15: Discipline(4), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(1),
      16: Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(6),
      17: Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(8),
      18: Save(13),
      19: Tumble(2), UMD(2), Save(16),
      20: Disable Trap(6), Search(13), Spot(6), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      21: Discipline(5), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      22: Discipline(2), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
      23: Discipline(2), Perform(3), UMD(1), Save(1),
      24: Discipline(1), Perform(5), UMD(1), Save(1),
      25: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(6),
      26: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(11),
      27: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5), Save(11),
      28: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(16),
      29: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(21),
      30: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(26),
      31: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(31),
      32: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5), Save(31),
      33: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(36),
      34: Disable Trap(14), Set Trap(21), Spot(12),
      35: Discipline(2), Perform(2), Spellcraft(3),
      36: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),
      37: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5),
      38: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),
      39: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),
      40: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),

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