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December 21, 2022 at 8:57 am #1177
Image source: NWN EE (WoG PW)
Three devastating critical hits in a single three hit flurry. Image source: NWN EE (WoG PW)
This is a dual kukri devastating critical version of the Epic Bardic Master I previously created.
- 7 attacks (with Haste) with keen kukris (threat range 12-20)
- Dev Crit Fort save or die DC 38-44
- AC lowering with Curse Song (-5 to 7 AC)/Darkness/Hold Monster or Confusion
- AC boosts with Haste/Bard Song
- Hard to hit with 50% concealment from Improved Invisibility and 50% attack miss chance from Darkness
- AB boost with Bard Song/Bull’s/War Cry
- Damage boost with Divine Might / Power Attack / 4d6 sneak attack / Bard Song / Flame Weapon (UMD) / Bless Weapon or Holy Sword (UMD)
- Darkness/Ultravision/Sneak Attack (up to 4d6) combo
- Silence casters with self cast aura (for tricks how to use the silence spell well, here is a guide)
- Set and retrieve Epic Traps, Craft Deadly Traps, Open Lock up to DC 60 with +10 pick, Search skill
- Potentially Level 30 bard song with Lasting Inspiration to boost skills even further
- Level 1-6 bard spells
- Great saves with Dark Blessing (up to +9 to all from CHA bonus), bard song (will +3 fort +2 reflex +2) and bard song boosted spellcraft (+6 or more to saves against spells) + evasion to avoid damage against reflex saves
- Weaknesses – low base HP, arcane spell failure using armor (reduced arcane spell failure equipment recommended)
Top left – Bugbears (Ghost Tower), Darkness/Ultravision/Divine Might/Keen Weapon/Sneak Attack. Top right – Ethereal Visage / Self-Silence. Bottom left – Duergar/Darkness/Ultravision. Bottom right – after battle. Image source: NWN EE, WoG PW
Epic Bard song boosts skills and has excellent synergy with rogue skills – disable/retrieve/set epic traps (DC 65+), open locks (DC 60+ with a +10 pick). Sources: NWN EE (WoG PW)
Build details:
Bard(31), Blackguard(4), Rogue(5), Human
Neutral or chaotic evil
STR: 15 (26)
DEX: 15
CON: 10
WIS: 8
INT: 14
CHA: 14 (16)Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Rogue(1): Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity
02: Bard(1)
03: Bard(2): Weapon Proficiency Exotic
04: Bard(3): STR+1, (STR=16)
05: Bard(4)
06: Bard(5): Power Attack
07: Bard(6)
08: Rogue(2): STR+1, {Evasion}, (STR=17)
09: Bard(7): Cleave
10: Blackguard(1)
11: Blackguard(2): {Smite Good}
12: Blackguard(3): STR+1, Divine Might, (STR=18)
13: Bard(8)
14: Rogue(3): {Uncanny Dodge I}
15: Bard(9): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
16: Bard(10): STR+1, (STR=19)
17: Bard(11)
18: Blackguard(4): Weapon Focus: Kukri
19: Bard(12)
20: Rogue(4): STR+1, (STR=20)
21: Bard(13): Improved Critical: Kukri
22: Bard(14)
23: Bard(15)
24: Bard(16): STR+1, Curse Song, (STR=21)
25: Bard(17)
26: Bard(18)
27: Bard(19): Great Strength I, (STR=22)
28: Bard(20): STR+1, (STR=23)
29: Bard(21)
30: Bard(22): Great Cleave
31: Bard(23): Lasting Inspiration
32: Bard(24): STR+1, (STR=24)
33: Bard(25): Overwhelming Critical: Kukri
34: Rogue(5)
35: Bard(26): Great Charisma I, (CHA=15)
36: Bard(27): STR+1, Devastating Critical: Kukri, (STR=25)
37: Bard(28)
38: Bard(29): Great Charisma II, (CHA=16)
39: Bard(30): Epic Weapon Focus: Kukri
40: Bard(31): STR+1, (STR=26)Hitpoints: 256
Skillpoints: 325
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 22/22/28
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +6
BAB: 26
AB (max, naked): 37 (melee), 28 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 20/30
Spell Casting: Bard(6)
Alignment Changes: 0Recommended spells:
Level 6 – Dirge, Energy Buffer, Mass Haste, Ice Storm
Level 5 – Ethereal Visage, Greater Dispelling, Healing circle, Mind Fog, Summon Creature V
Level 4 – Improved Invisibility, War cry, Hold Monster, Dismissal, Legend Lore or Dominate Person
Level 3 – Haste, Wounding Whispers, Slow, Greater Magic Weapon, Confusion
Level 2 – Bull’s Strength, Darkness, Ultravision, Silence, See Invisibility or Eagle’s Splendor
Level 1 – Protection from alignment, Grease, Amplify, Mage Armor, Identify or Charm PersonSkills:
Disable Trap 37(41), Discipline 43(51), Hide 5(7), Open Lock 12(14), Perform 43(46), Search 23(25), Set Trap 32(36), Spellcraft 28(30), Spot 35(34), Tumble 40(42), UMD 27(30)01: Disable Trap(4), Hide(4), Open Lock(4), Search(4), Set Trap(4), Spot(4), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(12),
02: Discipline(5), Hide(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(5),
03: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(6),
04: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(7),
05: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(11),
06: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(15),
07: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(16),
08: Disable Trap(7), Open Lock(6), Search(4), Set Trap(1), Spot(7), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
09: Discipline(2), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(3),
10: Discipline(1), Save(7),
11: Save(12),
12: Save(17),
13: Perform(3), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(13),
14: Disable Trap(6), Open Lock(2), Search(2), Set Trap(6), Spot(6), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
15: Discipline(4), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(1),
16: Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(6),
17: Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(8),
18: Save(13),
19: Tumble(2), UMD(2), Save(16),
20: Disable Trap(6), Search(13), Spot(6), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
21: Discipline(5), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
22: Discipline(2), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1),
23: Discipline(2), Perform(3), UMD(1), Save(1),
24: Discipline(1), Perform(5), UMD(1), Save(1),
25: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(6),
26: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(11),
27: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5), Save(11),
28: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(16),
29: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(21),
30: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(26),
31: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(31),
32: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5), Save(31),
33: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Save(36),
34: Disable Trap(14), Set Trap(21), Spot(12),
35: Discipline(2), Perform(2), Spellcraft(3),
36: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),
37: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5),
38: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),
39: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5),
40: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(5), -
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