Fast Divine Spell-Kama (Sorcerer 30 / BG 4 / Monk 6)

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      The sorcerer does 7 attacks / round with Flurry of Blows and Haste. He has Divine Shield (+11 Dodge AC), Divine Might (+11 Divine Damage / Hit), Dark Blessing (+11 to all saves), Shadow Shield (+3 soak 10 dmg, +5 natural AC), Improved Invisibility (50% concealment), Greater Magic Weapon/Flame Weapon active. He is surrounded by Stinking Cloud, Darkness and Grease making his enemies blind and periodically dazed, slowed and/or knocked to the ground while being immune to these effects with Ultravision, Protection versus Evil (mind immunity against his own spells) and Knockdown Immunity boots. He can taunt enemies to lower AC further by up to 6. He is not good at hitting enemies, but with the sorcerers tools to lower enemy AC, the taunt skill to further lower AC, the high number of attacks / round, and damage boost with divine might, his physical attacks have been a useful adjunct to the sorcerer’s usual combat arsenal.

      Gameplay footage against spell resistant Drow enemies. A lot of combinations. Monk Speed, extended Mass Haste and Expeditious Retreat, for lightning fast movement. Monk attacks (for 6-7 attacks / round) and Divine Might (for +15 divine damage / hit for 15 rounds up to 18x/day). Time Stop to kill high priority targets quickly (the Drow Wizards). Divine Shield (+15 AC), Epic Warding, Epic Mage Armor and other spells to protect me. Mestil’s Acid Sheath and Elemental Shield to damage enemies who hit me. Grease to knock down enemies in an AoE through spell resistance. Wail of the Banshee to kill a few of them.

      This character I enjoyed playing.

      • Sorcerer 30 with Cha 30 (capped at 42)
      • Monk 6 for Evasion, Monk Speed +20, deflect arrows, eventual Improved Knockdown
      • Blackguard for great saves, divine shield and divine might (+16 AC, +16 divine damage / hit).

      The mage is running around with monk speed (which increases the movement speed cap to 3.2, from 1.5), able to move at lightning speed with Mass Haste and Expeditious Retreat combined. The Sorcerer spells (ie Grease, Darkness, Stinking Cloud, Evards, Hold Monster, Bigbys 6/7) are then used to disable the enemy and lower the enemy’s AC.

      The character can hit the enemy 5-7 times / round (flurry and haste) with +16 divine damage and +1d6 sneak attack, flame weapon + GMW + keen can be added to the kama. Taunt can be further used to lower enemy AC by 6 and Blackguard’s bull strength stacks with empowered bull’s strength to get close to hitting the strength cap with 1-2 items which adding to strength. The level 1 True Strike spell can also be used to add +20 AB to all attacks for three flurries.

      If the character cannot disable the enemy, there is Haste -> Time Stop / Empowered IGMSx2 (or Horrid Wilting x2 or Max Firebrand x2).

      Or just Time Stop and hit away.

      Here I use Time Stop + physical attacks. This level 39 character has 7 attacks / round, deals 1-6 +9 str damage +5 slashing +5 positive +5 magical +15 divine +1d4+10 fire damage / hit (51 to 59 damage, or 357 to 413 per round if every attack is successful). The characters AB is around 40 but the time stop reduces the enemy’s AC by removing all the enemy’s Tumble, Dodge (and Dex AC if there is no uncanny dodge), allowing me to land a number of successful hits. The characters incredible speed with both Mass Haste and Expeditious Retreat active, allows him or her to move at lightning speed from target to target during the Time Stop. My character can cast 8 level 9 spells / rest (or up to 8 time stops / rest).

      Defenses are good for a sorcerer with amazing saves (+16 with Dark Blessing), divine shield (+16) + Epic Mage Armor + Epic Warding + Evasion + 8 tumble AC + 1 monk AC + any dex/wis AC bonuses. Against spell resistant enemies, it passes maximum standard toolset SR 32 95% of the time, Breaches or Mordenkainen’s Disjunction can be used to lower enemy spell resistance further if needed, although there will be challenges against enemies such as Drow, who have high spell resistance (Character level +11 – so a level 40 drow will have SR 51).

      In this screenshot I disable the enemy with Hold Monster (the Dire Bear Summon) and Bigby’s Forceful Hand (the Dragon Fiend) for 1 round/caster level (12 rounds in this screenshot), and hit away with 5 attacks / round (4 APR + 1 APR from Flurry of Blows) with their AC reduced from being disabled. 

      Sorcerer(30), Blackguard(4), Monk(6), Human

      Lawful Evil, PvM 1-40

      STR: 16
      DEX: 8
      CON: 14
      WIS: 8
      INT: 14
      CHA: 15 (30)

      Human: (Quick to Master)
      01: Monk(1): Power Attack, Toughness, {Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist}
      02: Sorcerer(1)
      03: Sorcerer(2): Scribe Scroll
      04: Sorcerer(3): CHA+1, (CHA=16)
      05: Sorcerer(4)
      06: Sorcerer(5): Extend Spell
      07: Sorcerer(6)
      08: Sorcerer(7): CHA+1, (CHA=17)
      09: Sorcerer(8): Empower Spell
      10: Sorcerer(9)
      11: Sorcerer(10)
      12: Monk(2): CHA+1, Weapon Focus: Kama, {Deflect Arrows}, (CHA=18)
      13: Blackguard(1)
      14: Blackguard(2): {Smite Good}
      15: Blackguard(3): Divine Shield
      16: Sorcerer(11): CHA+1, (CHA=19)
      17: Sorcerer(12)
      18: Blackguard(4): Divine Might
      19: Monk(3)
      20: Monk(4): CHA+1, (CHA=20)
      21: Sorcerer(13): Epic Weapon Focus: Kama
      22: Sorcerer(14)
      23: Sorcerer(15)
      24: Sorcerer(16): CHA+1, Maximize Spell, (CHA=21)
      25: Sorcerer(17)
      26: Sorcerer(18)
      27: Sorcerer(19): Epic Prowess
      28: Sorcerer(20): CHA+1, (CHA=22)
      29: Sorcerer(21)
      30: Sorcerer(22): Epic Spell: Epic Mage Armor
      31: Sorcerer(23): Epic Spell: Epic Warding
      32: Monk(5): CHA+1, (CHA=23)
      33: Sorcerer(24): Great Charisma I, (CHA=24)
      34: Sorcerer(25)
      35: Sorcerer(26): Great Charisma II, (CHA=25)
      36: Sorcerer(27): CHA+1, Great Charisma III, (CHA=27)
      37: Sorcerer(28)
      38: Sorcerer(29): Great Charisma IV, (CHA=28)
      39: Sorcerer(30): Great Charisma V, (CHA=29)
      40: Monk(6): CHA+1, {Knockdown, Improved Knockdown}, (CHA=30)

      Hitpoints: 328
      Skillpoints: 233
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 34/32/28
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +7, Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 23
      AB (max, naked): 30 (melee), 23 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane items only): 18/28
      Spell Casting: Sorcerer(9)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Concentration 37(39), Discipline 43(46), Hide 5(4), Listen 43(42), Open Lock 1(0), Search 4(6), Spellcraft 34(36), Taunt 21(31), Tumble 40(39)

      01: Concentration(4), Discipline(4), Hide(4), Listen(4), Open Lock(1), Search(2), Tumble(4), Save(2),
      02: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(2), Save(4),
      03: Concentration(1), Search(1), Save(6),
      04: Concentration(1), Save(10),
      05: Concentration(1), Search(1), Save(12),
      06: Concentration(1), Save(16),
      07: Concentration(1), Save(20),
      08: Concentration(1), Save(24),
      09: Concentration(1), Save(28),
      10: Concentration(1), Save(32),
      11: Save(37),
      12: Discipline(11), Hide(1), Listen(11), Tumble(11), Save(10),
      13: Discipline(1), Taunt(14),
      14: Discipline(1), Taunt(3), Save(1),
      15: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(4),
      16: Spellcraft(7), Save(2),
      17: Save(7),
      18: Discipline(3), Taunt(3), Save(6),
      19: Discipline(1), Listen(7), Tumble(5),
      20: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Listen(1), Save(2),
      21: Spellcraft(7),
      22: Spellcraft(5),
      23: Spellcraft(5),
      24: Spellcraft(1), Save(4),
      25: Spellcraft(1), Save(8),
      26: Spellcraft(1), Save(12),
      27: Spellcraft(1), Save(16),
      28: Spellcraft(1), Save(20),
      29: Spellcraft(1), Save(24),
      30: Spellcraft(1), Save(28),
      31: Spellcraft(1), Save(32),
      32: Discipline(12), Listen(12), Tumble(15),
      33: Concentration(5),
      34: Concentration(5),
      35: Concentration(5),
      36: Concentration(5),
      37: Concentration(1), Save(4),
      38: Save(9),
      39: Save(14),
      40: Discipline(8), Listen(8), Tumble(5),

      A slightly longer combat video against spell resistant Drow enemies. I get to level 40 in this video.


        Two questions:

        Why are you taking scribe scroll?

        Paladin should work the same as BG for this build since the alignment choices are compatible, right?


          Hi rockbot, thanks for your message and interest.

          Scribe scroll is valuable in a rest restricted environment (such as World of Greyhawk (WoG)). The most useful scribed scrolls for me are Mordenkainen’s (especially this), Greater Sanctuary, Summon IX, Bigby’s Forceful Hand and sometimes IGMS. Mass Haste is good too, particularly with this build as the speed cap can be exceeded with Maste Haste but not plain haste. In WoG Tensors scrolls are handy but there are limited spell slots for sorcerers (only 3), so I don’t take Tensors. Time stop scrolls are excellent but will always use up 1 round, and casting Time Stop memorised while hasted is better.

          Craft wand is also useful too in a rest restricted environment. Scribe scroll vs Craft wand is a complex discussion. To summarise it depends how often spells 1-4 vs spells 1-9 are used, and if spells 1-9 are more useful than 1-4. Also if one is on a PW, if another player can make wands for you (and if they can be recharged, as on World of Greyhawk, for example). There are some outstanding wands, ie. Lesser Spell Breach, Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, Summon IV, ILMS, Shadow Conjuration: Darkness, Flame Arrow, Prot v Elements, Invisibility.

          Paladin I think I initially designed this for but chose blackguard instead because if one uses area of effect mind effecting spells (ie. Stinking Cloud) one doesn’t have to bother to use Prot v Good, only Prot v Evil. Its pretty even I thought. Cleave is free for Monks and hide is a class skill so its easy to get Blackguard.

          • Advantages of Paladin: Fear Immunity, Disease Immunity, a lay on hands spell
          • Disadvantages of Paladin: need to use prot v good as well as prot v evil for mind effecting spells if you use them a lot – I use stinking cloud a bit when it works it is very effective (ie stinking cloud, confusion)
          • Advantages of Blackguard: 1d6 sneak attack (works well with the disables), ability to use some weak summons for cannon fodder and save one spell if one wants to use stinking cloud/confusion a lot, stackable bull’s strength (Blackguard Bull’s Strength will stack with normal Bull’s strength)
          • Disadvantages: have to be evil, invest 5 skill points into Hide which are not useful

            Thanks for the reply! I completely forgot about the XP penalty. I don’t think the penalty would kick in on this build at all with a human paladin, except for a little blip at level 18, which is easily avoided by shifting a monk level in for sorcerer at level 17.
            Really cool and different build. It’s viable in single player campaigns and PWs, which is rare. I was getting tired of seeing exalted sorcerer variants everywhere. Thanks for posting it!

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