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June 15, 2022 at 10:18 am #1164
Dexterity based cleric/monk with up to 10 attacks / round. Source: NWN EE (WoG PW)
Fharlanghn is the deity of travel, and this is a cleric of that deity with the Travel and Protection domains. It is also a minor class Monk to take advantage of lots of attacks/round + other synergies, and Rogue to add versatility / a little sneak attack damage / Uncanny Dodge.
- Ultra high caster level (35) dual wielding dexterity based cleric, full caster spell book + Extend Spell, amazing AB bonuses and immunities
- Monk for up to 10 attacks / round (Flurry/Haste/Divine Power), Wisdom AC
- Rogue for UMD, trap skills (disable epic traps), open lock, uncanny dodge and 2d6 sneak attack
- Dexterity based for very nice AC combined with Wisdom AC/Haste/Tumble, reflex save and effective ranged attacks (as a backup)
- I also created an extreme version which has Power Attack, Divine Might and Shield, allowing +5 dmg/hit (-5AB), up to +8 divine damage /hit and up to +8 dodge AC for 8 rounds, it loses 1 AB, 2 AC, 43 skill points (trap skills mostly), level 6-9 spells delayed till epics and Blind Fight/Knockdown.
- Up to 12 attacks / round (7 dual wielding unbuffed, 10 with Flurry/Haste/Divine Power, 12 with Flurry/Haste/Divine Power/Attack of Opportunity/Cleave)
- Kama 1d6/hit, Strength +2-8 damage/hit, GMW +5 damage/hit, Darkfire +11-16 fire damage / hit, Divine Favor +5 magical damage /hit, Battletide +2 magical damage/hit, Prayer +1 magical damage/hit, Sneak attack +2d6 damage /hit
- Equates to up to 542 damage/round (from main hand up to 55 damage/hit x8, offhand up to 51 damage/hit x2 ) with two mundane Kamas while sneak attacking
- Add up to +10 damage/round per additional damage from weapon enchantments ie a weapon with +5 acid damage in the main hand would add up to +40 damage/round, off hand up to +10 damage / round.
- Able to reach +20 AB cap from cleric bonuses (ie Base 38 AB can hit 64 AB with capped Dex)
- Able to lower enemy AC by a huge amount with Darkness (no save), Word of Faith (no save), Entangle/Web (Travel Domain)
- Greater sanctuary spell for tactical advantage, summons, storm of vengeance for a massive AoE party friendly series of stuns + damage against low reflex opponents (ie Giants)
- Even more damage with extreme version (up to +80 divine damage/round with Divine Might, up to +45 damage/round with Power Attack at cost of -5 AB)
- 71 AC with +5 items and haste, capped stats (+10-16 Dex AC, +5-11 Wis AC, +8 Tumble AC, +2 Armor Skin, +5 Armor, +5 Deflection, +5 Natural, +5 Dodge, +4 Haste)
- -50% attacker miss chance with Darkness/Word of Faith, +50% concealment with Improved Invisibility (via UMD)
- Lots of immunities (Mind immunity, Level Drain/Ability Loss, Negative Damage, Freedom, Death Magic), spell resistance spell (SR 47)
- Evasion (no damage against many spells/traps with a successful reflex save)
- Summons to draw attention, Storm of Vengeance for massive AoE stuns against low reflex enemies, Greater Sanctuary for tactical advantages / protect spell protections
- Eventual uncanny dodge to protect Dex and Dodge AC, Wisdom AC serves as back up
- Prevent enemy spellcasting with self-silence aura. Be able to cast spells without being silenced by casting a Minor Globe from Protection Domain before self-silencing.
- Interrupt spellcasting / prevent attacks with knockdown
- Extreme version can get to 69 AC with +5 items/haste/capped stats, 77 AC with +5 items/haste/capped stats and Divine Shield (+8 dodge AC)
- Up to level 9 spell book (level 7-9 delayed slightly to take advantage of Cleric’s Great Wisdom bonus feats)
- Caster level 35 cleric spells – undispellable and Mordenkainen’s resistant
- Extend spell for 70 round duration Divine Power/Haste/Darkness/Silence, 20 round duration Divine Favor, and 35-70 hour duration other spell buffs if desired
- Disable epic traps up to DC 66
- Detect traps/hidden doors up to DC 46 (capped Int), Find Trap spell to remove or detect traps (depending if this is modified)
- Open locks up to DC 52 (capped Dex +10 thieves’s tool)
- Set deadly traps
- UMD to cast any spell from scrolls/wands and equip restricted items from other classes
- Discipline/Concentration
- Spellcraft for some saves against spells
- Lowish HP but greatly mitigated an undispellable, Mordenkainen’s resistant endurance spell (for +40-80 HP) + items
- Dispels/Mordenkainen’s/Breaches – greatly mitigated by ultra high caster levels (35), Greater Sanctuary spell before combat to protect spell protections, many spells not breachable
- No Spot/Listen – greatly mitigated by the True Seeing spell
- Low fortitude save – greatly mitigated by immunities and high AC (to try to prevent critical hits/dev crit)
Standard Build detail:
Cleric(35), Monk(2), Rogue(3), Human
Lawful Neutral
STR: 14
DEX: 15 (30)
CON: 8
WIS: 16 (20)
INT: 14
CHA: 8Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Cleric(1): Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Domain Travel, Domain Protection
02: Cleric(2)
03: Cleric(3): Weapon Finesse
04: Cleric(4): DEX+1, (DEX=16)
05: Cleric(5)
06: Cleric(6): Extend Spell
07: Cleric(7)
08: Cleric(8): DEX+1, (DEX=17)
09: Monk(1): Weapon Focus: Kama, {Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist}
10: Cleric(9)
11: Cleric(10)
12: Cleric(11): DEX+1, Knockdown, (DEX=18)
13: Cleric(12)
14: Cleric(13)
15: Cleric(14): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
16: Cleric(15): DEX+1, (DEX=19)
17: Cleric(16)
18: Cleric(17): Blind Fight
19: Cleric(18)
20: Cleric(19): DEX+1, (DEX=20)
21: Cleric(20): Epic Weapon Focus: Kama
22: Rogue(1)
23: Cleric(21)
24: Cleric(22): DEX+1, Epic Prowess, (DEX=21)
25: Cleric(23): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=17)
26: Cleric(24)
27: Cleric(25): Great Dexterity I, (DEX=22)
28: Cleric(26): DEX+1, Great Wisdom II, (DEX=23), (WIS=18)
29: Cleric(27)
30: Cleric(28): Great Dexterity II, (DEX=24)
31: Cleric(29): Great Wisdom III, (WIS=19)
32: Rogue(2): DEX+1, (DEX=25)
33: Cleric(30): Great Dexterity III, (DEX=26)
34: Cleric(31)
35: Cleric(32): Armor Skin
36: Cleric(33): DEX+1, Great Dexterity IV, (DEX=28)
37: Cleric(34)
38: Cleric(35): Great Wisdom IV, (WIS=20)
39: Monk(2): Great Dexterity V, {Deflect Arrows}, (DEX=29)
40: Rogue(3): DEX+1, {Uncanny Dodge I}, (DEX=30)Hitpoints: 274
Skillpoints: 237
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 22/28/28
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +3
BAB: 24
AB (max, naked): 38 (melee), 35 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 35/35
Spell Casting: Cleric(9)
Alignment Changes: 0Concentration 42(41), Disable Trap 36(40), Discipline 42(44), Open Lock 6(16), Search 18(20), Set Trap 5(17), Spellcraft 13(15), Tumble 40(50), UMD 34(33)
01: Concentration(4), Open Lock(1), Spellcraft(3), Save(11),
02: Concentration(1), Save(15),
03: Concentration(1), Save(19),
04: Concentration(1), Save(23),
05: Concentration(1), Save(27),
06: Concentration(1), Save(31),
07: Concentration(1), Save(35),
08: Concentration(1), Save(39),
09: Concentration(1), Discipline(12), Tumble(12), Save(21),
10: Concentration(1), Save(25),
11: Concentration(1), Save(29),
12: Concentration(1), Save(33),
13: Concentration(1), Save(37),
14: Concentration(1), Save(41),
15: Concentration(1), Save(45),
16: Save(50),
17: Save(55),
18: Save(60),
19: Save(65),
20: Save(70),
21: Save(75),
22: Disable Trap(25), Open Lock(3), Search(15), Set Trap(5), Tumble(13), UMD(25),
23: Concentration(5),
24: Concentration(4), Spellcraft(1),
25: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(4),
26: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(4),
27: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(3),
28: Concentration(1), Save(7),
29: Concentration(1), Save(11),
30: Concentration(1), Save(15),
31: Concentration(1), Save(19),
32: Disable Trap(10), Tumble(10), UMD(9), Save(1),
33: Concentration(2), Save(4),
34: Concentration(1), Save(8),
35: Concentration(1), Save(12),
36: Concentration(1), Save(16),
37: Concentration(1), Save(20),
38: Concentration(1), Save(24),
39: Concentration(1), Discipline(30),
40: Disable Trap(1), Open Lock(2), Search(3), Tumble(5),Extreme Build detail (with Divine Might/Shield):
Cleric(35), Monk(2), Rogue(3), Human
STR: 14
DEX: 15 (28)
CON: 8
WIS: 14 (19)
INT: 12
CHA: 14Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Cleric(1): Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Domain Travel, Domain Protection
02: Cleric(2)
03: Cleric(3): Weapon Finesse
04: Cleric(4): DEX+1, (DEX=16)
05: Cleric(5)
06: Cleric(6): Extend Spell
07: Cleric(7)
08: Cleric(8): WIS+1, (WIS=15)
09: Monk(1): Power Attack, {Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist}
10: Cleric(9)
11: Cleric(10)
12: Cleric(11): DEX+1, Divine Might, (DEX=17)
13: Cleric(12)
14: Cleric(13)
15: Cleric(14): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
16: Cleric(15): DEX+1, (DEX=18)
17: Cleric(16)
18: Cleric(17): Weapon Focus: Kama
19: Cleric(18)
20: Cleric(19): DEX+1, (DEX=19)
21: Cleric(20): Epic Weapon Focus: Kama
22: Rogue(1)
23: Cleric(21)
24: Cleric(22): DEX+1, Divine Shield, (DEX=20)
25: Cleric(23): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=16)
26: Cleric(24)
27: Cleric(25): Epic Prowess
28: Cleric(26): DEX+1, Great Wisdom II, (DEX=21), (WIS=17)
29: Cleric(27)
30: Cleric(28): Great Dexterity I, (DEX=22)
31: Cleric(29): Great Wisdom III, (WIS=18)
32: Rogue(2): DEX+1, (DEX=23)
33: Cleric(30): Great Dexterity II, (DEX=24)
34: Cleric(31)
35: Cleric(32): Great Wisdom IV, (WIS=19)
36: Cleric(33): DEX+1, Great Dexterity III, (DEX=26)
37: Cleric(34)
38: Cleric(35): Armor Skin
39: Monk(2): Great Dexterity IV, {Deflect Arrows}, (DEX=27)
40: Rogue(3): DEX+1, {Uncanny Dodge I}, (DEX=28)Hitpoints: 274
Skillpoints: 194
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 22/27/27
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +3
BAB: 24
AB (max, naked): 37 (melee), 34 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 33/33
Spell Casting: Cleric(9)
Alignment Changes: 0Concentration 42(41), Disable Trap 1(4), Discipline 42(44), Open Lock 5(14), Search 13(14), Set Trap 5(14), Spellcraft 14(15), Tumble 40(49), UMD 31(33)
01: Concentration(4), Open Lock(1), Spellcraft(4), Save(6),
02: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(8),
03: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(10),
04: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(12),
05: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(14),
06: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(16),
07: Concentration(1), Save(19),
08: Concentration(1), Save(22),
09: Concentration(1), Discipline(12), Tumble(12), Save(3),
10: Concentration(1), Save(6),
11: Concentration(1), Save(9),
12: Concentration(1), Save(12),
13: Concentration(1), Save(15),
14: Concentration(1), Save(18),
15: Concentration(1), Save(21),
16: Concentration(1), Save(24),
17: Concentration(1), Save(27),
18: Concentration(1), Save(30),
19: Concentration(1), Save(33),
20: Concentration(1), Save(36),
21: Concentration(1), Save(39),
22: Disable Trap(1), Open Lock(4), Search(5), Set Trap(1), Tumble(13), UMD(25),
23: Concentration(2), Spellcraft(2),
24: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(3),
25: Concentration(1), Save(3),
26: Concentration(1), Save(6),
27: Concentration(1), Save(9),
28: Concentration(1), Save(12),
29: Concentration(1), Save(15),
30: Concentration(1), Save(18),
31: Concentration(1), Save(21),
32: Tumble(10), UMD(6), Save(15),
33: Concentration(2), Save(17),
34: Concentration(1), Save(20),
35: Concentration(1), Save(23),
36: Concentration(1), Save(26),
37: Concentration(1), Save(29),
38: Concentration(1), Save(32),
39: Concentration(1), Discipline(30), Tumble(5), Save(2),
40: Search(8), Set Trap(4), -
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