Kivan – Ranger 23 / Bard 2 / Arcane Archer 15

Home Forums Character Builds Baldur’s Gate NPCs for NWN Kivan – Ranger 23 / Bard 2 / Arcane Archer 15

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  • #982
    Maximillian Kane

      Hey, everyone!


      This is my NWN interpretation of Kivan, the Ranger companion you could recruit in Baldur’s Gate 1. His story was a pretty grim one. He had been captured by bandits with his wife, and was tortured for days before he was able to escape. His wife, however, wasn’t so lucky, and died at the hands of the Half-Ogre Tazok, leader of the bandits. If you help him kill Tazok, he will join your party. He doesn’t talk much in general, and dislikes Evil characters and big mouths. In combat, he was an archer, as you can see in his portrait, and a Ranger by trade. So, unsurprisingly, I’ve made him into a Ranger / AA with a bit of Bard just to get access to the skills.


      This build is VERY good with a bow, but can also stand toe-to-toe with enemies if ranged combat is not an option thanks to Weapon Finesse, can disable a few traps and set all Deadly traps. It’s not his specialty, it’s more like a backup plan on the side. The good thing about this build is that it has 53 AB and against a few enemy types, it’ll benefit from Bane of Enemies, to increase damage output, which is always a problem for an Archer. His 14 STR also means that he can make good use of the Mighty property in bows, especially with an Ioun Stone and Bull’s Strength from either a wand, scroll or potion. All in all a very solid archer build.


      Ladies and Gentlemen, Kivan!

      Ranger(23), Bard(2), Arcane Archer(15), Elf

      STR: 14
      DEX: 18 (32)
      CON: 8
      WIS: 14
      INT: 14
      CHA: 8

      Elf: (Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Keen Sense, Low-light Vision, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Search, Skill Affinity: Spot, Sleeplessness)
      01: Ranger(1): Point Blank Shot, Favored Enemy: Giants, {Dual Wield}
      02: Ranger(2)
      03: Ranger(3): Rapid Shot
      04: Ranger(4): DEX+1, (DEX=19)
      05: Ranger(5): Favored Enemy: Elves
      06: Ranger(6): Called Shot
      07: Ranger(7)
      08: Ranger(8): DEX+1, (DEX=20)
      09: Ranger(9): Weapon Focus: Longbow, {Improved Two-Weapon Fighting}
      10: Ranger(10): Favored Enemy: Dragons
      11: Ranger(11)
      12: Ranger(12): DEX+1, Improved Critical: Longbow, (DEX=21)
      13: Ranger(13)
      14: Ranger(14)
      15: Ranger(15): Weapon Finesse, Favored Enemy: Constructs
      16: Ranger(16): DEX+1, (DEX=22)
      17: Ranger(17)
      18: Ranger(18): Blind Fight
      19: Ranger(19)
      20: Ranger(20): DEX+1, Favored Enemy: Outsiders, (DEX=23)
      21: Ranger(21): Bane of Enemies
      22: Bard(1)
      23: Arcane Archer(1)
      24: Arcane Archer(2): DEX+1, Armor Skin, (DEX=24)
      25: Arcane Archer(3)
      26: Arcane Archer(4)
      27: Arcane Archer(5): Great Dexterity I, (DEX=25)
      28: Arcane Archer(6): DEX+1, (DEX=26)
      29: Arcane Archer(7)
      30: Arcane Archer(8): Blinding Speed
      31: Arcane Archer(9)
      32: Arcane Archer(10): DEX+1, (DEX=27)
      33: Arcane Archer(11): Great Dexterity II, (DEX=28)
      34: Arcane Archer(12)
      35: Arcane Archer(13)
      36: Arcane Archer(14): DEX+1, Great Dexterity III, Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow, (DEX=30)
      37: Arcane Archer(15)
      38: Bard(2)
      39: Ranger(22): Great Dexterity IV, (DEX=31)
      40: Ranger(23): DEX+1, Epic Prowess, (DEX=32)

      Hitpoints: 322
      Skillpoints: 258
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 21/18/27
      Saving Throw bonuses: Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 30
      AB (max, naked): 42 (melee), 53 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 31/34
      Spell Casting: Ranger(4)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Disable Trap 11(15), Hide 43(54), Move Silently 43(54), Open Lock 1(12), Perform 7(6), Search 19(23), Set Trap 5(18), Spot 43(47), Tumble 40(51), UMD 34(33)

      01: Disable Trap(1), Hide(4), Move Silently(4), Open Lock(1), Search(4), Set Trap(4), Spot(4),
      02: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Spot(1), Save(1),
      03: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(3),
      04: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(5),
      05: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(7),
      06: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(9),
      07: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(11),
      08: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(13),
      09: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(15),
      10: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(17),
      11: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(19),
      12: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(21),
      13: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Save(23),
      14: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(26),
      15: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(29),
      16: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(32),
      17: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(35),
      18: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(38),
      19: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(41),
      20: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(44),
      21: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(47),
      22: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Tumble(25), UMD(25), Save(1),
      23: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(2), Save(1),
      24: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(2),
      25: Disable Trap(2), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(1),
      26: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(2),
      27: Disable Trap(2), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(1),
      28: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(2),
      29: Disable Trap(2), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(1),
      30: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(4),
      31: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(7),
      32: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(10),
      33: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(13),
      34: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(16),
      35: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(1), Save(19),
      36: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Save(23),
      37: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Save(27),
      38: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Perform(7), Tumble(15), UMD(9),
      39: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Search(3), Spot(1),
      40: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Spot(4),


      I hope you like him!


      Take it EZ!

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