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May 16, 2022 at 1:10 am #1159
Ultra High Strength Cleric ‘buffed to the hilt’ with a big x4 crit weapon. (Source NWN EE, WoG PW)
Fun idea combining:
- Cleric power with 29 caster levels, ‘undispellable’ buffs and extraordinary offensive/defensive bonuses (ie up to +20 AB), 3 bonus cleric feats. ie Darkness/Ultravision for 50% attacker miss chance
- Trickery and Travel domain for (Extended) Haste and Improved Invisibility (ie. 50% concealment)
- Ultra high strength plus a x4 crit two handed weapon (ie. CEP’s Mercurial Greatsword or standard NWN Scythe) for big damage especially on critical hits
- Bard 1 for tumble dump
- RDD 10 for +8 Str, +2 Con, +4 AC and other bonuses
Level 18 cleric, five attacks a round with haste/divine power, hitting an enemy with 40 AB with a critical hit dealing 152 damage! (Source NWN EE, WoG Server)
I use a special trick where cleric (7 see below) 8 and 9 spells are obtained with the bonus cleric feats used with Great Wisdom. This allows maximal power in epic levels at the cost of delayed level 8-9 (7). To be fair those extra spells (Storm of Vengance, Word of Faith) are nice but not essential with the sheer damage output with a huge weapon, defensive cleric buffs plus Darkness / Web / Slow / Hammer of the Gods spells for crowd control.
I’ve created a balanced version with base 38 Str and a less balanced one with 42 Str.
I’ve found the balanced version very easy to play. Less balanced one a little harder but still fun and easy to play, but HP needs to be managed.
Designed for WoG where only chaotic good/chaotic neutral elves and half elves worshipping Sehanine Moonbow can use Travel and Trickery domain. In other environments I would recommend going human for extra skill points, extra HP + bonus feat.
I previously designed a similar build using Half-orc or Human, called The Bruiser of the Gods, this particular version is designed as an Elf to meet WoG’s requirements.
The most similar build written by others is Mithdradates’s Blood and Faith (Cleric 26 / Bard 4 / RDD 10). Sehanine’s Mercurial Prelate has higher caster levels, higher strength/AB and gets undispellability at level 25 (instead of 38) which I think is much better (the biggest threat to a cleric is being dispelled and losing all the bonuses), and the delay to spell casting to gain the extra bonuses as discussed. Mithdradates designed it for other environments, for WoG elf is most optimal to get the Trickery / Travel domain.
Build details (standard):
Cleric(29), Bard(1), Red Dragon Disciple(10), Elf
Chaotic Good / Chaotic Neutral
STR: 16 (38)
DEX: 10
CON: 10 (12)
WIS: 16 (19)
INT: 14 (16)
CHA: 8 (10)Elf: (Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Keen Sense, Low-light Vision, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Search, Skill Affinity: Spot, Sleeplessness)
01: Cleric(1): Extend Spell, Domain Travel, Domain Trickery
02: Cleric(2)
03: Cleric(3): Weapon Proficiency Exotic
04: Cleric(4): STR+1, (STR=17)
05: Cleric(5)
06: Cleric(6): Weapon Focus: Mercurial Greatsword or Scythe
07: Cleric(7)
08: Cleric(8): STR+1, (STR=18)
09: Cleric(9): Knockdown
10: Cleric(10)
11: Cleric(11)
12: Cleric(12): WIS+1, Craft Wand, (WIS=17)
13: Cleric(13)
14: Cleric(14)
15: Cleric(15): Blind Fight
16: Cleric(16): STR+1, (STR=19)
17: Cleric(17)
18: Cleric(18): Improved Critical: Mercurial Greatsword or Scythe
19: Cleric(19)
20: Cleric(20): STR+1, (STR=20)
21: Cleric(21): Epic Weapon Focus: Mercurial Greatsword or Scythe
22: Cleric(22)
23: Cleric(23): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=18)
24: Cleric(24): STR+1, Epic Prowess, (STR=21)
25: Cleric(25)
26: Cleric(26): Great Wisdom II, (WIS=19)
27: Cleric(27): Great Strength I, (STR=22)
28: Cleric(28): STR+1, (STR=23)
29: Cleric(29): Armor Skin
30: Bard(1): Great Strength II, (STR=24)
31: Red Dragon Disciple(1)
32: Red Dragon Disciple(2): STR+1, (STR=27)
33: Red Dragon Disciple(3): Great Strength III, (STR=28)
34: Red Dragon Disciple(4): (STR=30)
35: Red Dragon Disciple(5)
36: Red Dragon Disciple(6): STR+1, Great Strength IV, (STR=32)
37: Red Dragon Disciple(7): (CON=12)
38: Red Dragon Disciple(8)
39: Red Dragon Disciple(9): Great Strength V, (STR=33), (INT=16)
40: Red Dragon Disciple(10): STR+1, {Darkvision}, (STR=38), (CHA=10)Hitpoints: 362
Skillpoints: 175
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 23/26/16
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +3, Mind Effects: +2
BAB: 25
AB (max, naked): 43 (melee), 26 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 22/33
Spell Casting: Cleric(9)
Alignment Changes: 0Concentration 37(38), Discipline 43(57), Lore 8(12), Open Lock 1(1), Search 10(15), Spellcraft 12(15), Tumble 30(30), UMD 33(33)
01: Concentration(4), Lore(4), Open Lock(1), Spellcraft(4), Save(2),
02: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(3),
03: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(4),
04: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(5),
05: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(6),
06: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(8),
07: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(10),
08: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(12),
09: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(14),
10: Concentration(1), Save(17),
11: Concentration(1), Save(20),
12: Concentration(1), Save(23),
13: Concentration(1), Save(26),
14: Save(30),
15: Save(34),
16: Save(38),
17: Save(42),
18: Save(46),
19: Save(50),
20: Save(54),
21: Save(58),
22: Save(62),
23: Save(66),
24: Save(70),
25: Save(74),
26: Save(78),
27: Save(82),
28: Save(86),
29: Save(90),
30: Discipline(33), Tumble(30), UMD(33),
31: Discipline(1), Search(3),
32: Discipline(1), Search(3),
33: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Search(2),
34: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Search(2),
35: Concentration(3), Discipline(1),
36: Concentration(3), Discipline(1),
37: Concentration(3), Discipline(1),
38: Concentration(3), Discipline(1),
39: Concentration(3), Discipline(1),
40: Concentration(4), Discipline(1),Build details (42 str version, less balanced):
Cleric(29), Bard(1), Red Dragon Disciple(10), Elf
Chaotic Good / Chaotic Neutral
STR: 18 (42)
DEX: 10
CON: 6 (8)
WIS: 16 (19)
INT: 12 (14)
CHA: 8 (10)Elf: (Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Keen Sense, Low-light Vision, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Search, Skill Affinity: Spot, Sleeplessness)
01: Cleric(1): Extend Spell, Domain Travel, Domain Trickery
02: Cleric(2)
03: Cleric(3): Weapon Proficiency Exotic
04: Cleric(4): STR+1, (STR=19)
05: Cleric(5)
06: Cleric(6): Weapon Focus: Mercurial Greatsword or Scythe
07: Cleric(7)
08: Cleric(8): STR+1, (STR=20)
09: Cleric(9): Knockdown
10: Cleric(10)
11: Cleric(11)
12: Cleric(12): STR+1, Toughness, (STR=21)
13: Cleric(13)
14: Cleric(14)
15: Cleric(15): Blind Fight
16: Cleric(16): STR+1, (STR=22)
17: Cleric(17)
18: Cleric(18): Scribe Scroll
19: Cleric(19)
20: Cleric(20): STR+1, (STR=23)
21: Cleric(21): Epic Weapon Focus: Mercurial Greatsword or Scythe
22: Cleric(22)
23: Cleric(23): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=17)
24: Cleric(24): STR+1, Great Strength I, (STR=25)
25: Cleric(25)
26: Cleric(26): Great Wisdom II, (WIS=18)
27: Cleric(27): Great Strength II, (STR=26)
28: Cleric(28): STR+1, (STR=27)
29: Cleric(29): Great Wisdom III, (WIS=19)
30: Bard(1): Great Strength III, (STR=28)
31: Red Dragon Disciple(1)
32: Red Dragon Disciple(2): STR+1, (STR=31)
33: Red Dragon Disciple(3): Great Strength IV, (STR=32)
34: Red Dragon Disciple(4): (STR=34)
35: Red Dragon Disciple(5)
36: Red Dragon Disciple(6): STR+1, Great Strength V, (STR=36)
37: Red Dragon Disciple(7): (CON=8)
38: Red Dragon Disciple(8)
39: Red Dragon Disciple(9): Great Strength VI, (STR=37), (INT=14)
40: Red Dragon Disciple(10): STR+1, {Darkvision}, (STR=42), (CHA=10)Hitpoints: 322
Skillpoints: 132
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 21/26/16
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +3, Mind Effects: +2
BAB: 25
AB (max, naked): 44 (melee), 25 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 20/31
Spell Casting: Cleric(9)
Alignment Changes: 0Concentration 36(35), Lore 8(11), Open Lock 1(1), Search 10(14), Spellcraft 13(15), Tumble 30(30), UMD 33(33)
01: Concentration(2), Lore(4), Open Lock(1), Spellcraft(4),
02: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1),
03: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1),
04: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1),
05: Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1),
06: Concentration(2), Spellcraft(1),
07: Concentration(2), Spellcraft(1),
08: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(1),
09: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
10: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(3),
11: Concentration(1), Save(5),
12: Concentration(1), Save(7),
13: Save(10),
14: Save(13),
15: Save(16),
16: Save(19),
17: Save(22),
18: Save(25),
19: Save(28),
20: Save(31),
21: Save(34),
22: Save(37),
23: Save(40),
24: Save(43),
25: Save(46),
26: Save(49),
27: Save(52),
28: Save(55),
29: Save(58),
30: Tumble(30), UMD(33),
31: Search(3),
32: Search(3),
33: Concentration(1), Search(2),
34: Concentration(1), Search(2),
35: Concentration(3),
36: Concentration(3),
37: Concentration(3),
38: Concentration(3),
39: Concentration(3),
40: Concentration(4),May 22, 2023 at 12:20 am #1198MasterOfNoobz
Hi, I am newly to NwN. I am looking for a build like this one but made for a Dwarf With High DC involved.Currently I have a couple of Builds that have DC of 44. I am looking for a Dwarf that can littery smash anything in its path. perferably a Warhammer or DwarfenAxe.waraxe. Could someone Assit me in a build of this nature. Would much appreciate it. Thank you 🙂
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