The Bardic Champion of Pelor (Bard 26 / Cleric 13 / Rogue 1)

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      Melee combat, empowered healing spells, summons, bardic song/spells, fire/divine/magical damage, rogue skills – this character has everything to be the inspiration for your party, a champion on the battlefield, protector against dangerous traps and healer of those who need aid.

      Acknowledgement to TheSquid for suggesting Strength Domain.


      Bard 26

      • 26x/day Bard/Curse Song (+2 AB, +3 DMG, +5 AC, +30 to 40 HP, +9 to 15 All Skills, reduce enemy AC/skills/saves),
      • Lasting Inspiration (105 round duration song)
      • Full level 6 Bard spell book undispellable (ie Haste/Mass Haste, Improved Invisibility)
      • Extend spell for 52 round duration Haste/Mass Haste/Silence/Darkness/War Cry
      • UMD/Tumble/Discipline/Concentration/Listen

      Cleric 13

      • Level 7 spell book
      • Healing Domain for empowered healing, extra Heal spells at level 5 ie cast Heal 7x/day, and empowered healing potions
      • Strength Domain for extra divine power, and Stoneskin ie cast Divine Power and Extended Power 15x/day
      • Heavy Armor Proficiency
      • Divine Favor (+4AB/DMG), Bless/Aid (+2 AB), Battletide (+2 AB/DMG), Darkfire (+1d6 +6 fire damage), GMW (+4AB/DMG)
      • Other great spells ie Darkness, Silence, Word of Faith, Summon Creature

      Rogue 1

      • Enable epic trap to be disabled and skill bonuses
      • 20% exp penalty from level 30 onwards

      Skills (279 skill points)

      • Disable Trap 43-49 (DC 63-69 Disable trap)
      • Search 32-38 (Detect traps up to DC 52-58)
      • Open Lock 14-20 (Open Lock DC 44-50 with +10 thieves tool)
      • Set Deadly Traps
      • Concentration 53-59
      • Discipline 59-65
      • Listen 49-55 (with amplify and bard song)
      • Lore 37-43 – +23 higher with Legend Lore (26 turns) or +36 with identify (2 rounds)
      • Spellcraft 14-20 (+2-4 to saves against spells)
      • Tumble (+8 AC) and UMD (use scrolls/wands)


      Bard(26), Cleric(13), Rogue(1), Human

      Neutral good

      STR: 15 (24)
      DEX: 8
      CON: 12
      WIS: 14 (17)
      INT: 14
      CHA: 14 (16)

      Human: (Quick to Master)
      01: Bard(1): Expertise, Weapon Proficiency Martial
      02: Cleric(1): Domain Healing, Domain Strength
      03: Cleric(2): Extend Spell
      04: Cleric(3): STR+1, (STR=16)
      05: Cleric(4)
      06: Cleric(5): Power Attack
      07: Cleric(6)
      08: Cleric(7): WIS+1, (WIS=15)
      09: Cleric(8): Divine Might
      10: Cleric(9)
      11: Cleric(10)
      12: Cleric(11): WIS+1, Blind Fight, (WIS=16)
      13: Cleric(12)
      14: Bard(2)
      15: Bard(3): Weapon Focus: Scimitar
      16: Bard(4): STR+1, (STR=17)
      17: Bard(5)
      18: Bard(6): Curse Song
      19: Bard(7)
      20: Bard(8): WIS+1, (WIS=17)
      21: Cleric(13): Epic Weapon Focus: Scimitar
      22: Bard(9)
      23: Bard(10)
      24: Bard(11): CHA+1, Epic Prowess, (CHA=15)
      25: Bard(12)
      26: Bard(13)
      27: Bard(14): Armor Skin
      28: Bard(15): CHA+1, (CHA=16)
      29: Bard(16)
      30: Rogue(1): Great Strength I, (STR=18)
      31: Bard(17)
      32: Bard(18): STR+1, (STR=19)
      33: Bard(19): Great Strength II, (STR=20)
      34: Bard(20)
      35: Bard(21)
      36: Bard(22): STR+1, Great Strength III, (STR=22)
      37: Bard(23): Lasting Inspiration
      38: Bard(24)
      39: Bard(25): Great Strength IV, (STR=23)
      40: Bard(26): STR+1, Epic Skill Focus: Perform, (STR=24)

      Hitpoints: 306
      Skillpoints: 279
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 21/27/19
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +1
      BAB: 25
      AB (max, naked): 36 (melee), 25 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 19/30
      Spell Casting: Bard(6),Cleric(7)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Concentration 43(44), Disable Trap 26(30), Discipline 43(50), Listen 19(22), Open Lock 6(5), Perform 43(56), Search 23(25), Set Trap 5(6), Spellcraft 3(5), Tumble 40(39), UMD 27(30)

      01: Concentration(4), Discipline(4), Listen(4), Open Lock(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(1), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(4),
      02: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(2), Save(6),
      03: Concentration(1), Save(10),
      04: Concentration(1), Save(14),
      05: Concentration(1), Save(18),
      06: Concentration(1), Save(22),
      07: Concentration(1), Save(26),
      08: Concentration(1), Save(30),
      09: Concentration(1), Save(34),
      10: Concentration(1), Save(38),
      11: Concentration(1), Save(42),
      12: Concentration(1), Save(46),
      13: Concentration(1), Save(50),
      14: Concentration(1), Discipline(13), Listen(5), Perform(3), Tumble(13), UMD(13), Save(9),
      15: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Listen(3), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(6),
      16: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(10),
      17: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(14),
      18: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(15),
      19: Discipline(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(19),
      20: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(20),
      21: Save(25),
      22: Discipline(2), Tumble(2), UMD(2), Save(26),
      23: Discipline(1), Perform(3), UMD(1), Save(28),
      24: Discipline(1), UMD(1), Save(33),
      25: Discipline(1), Save(39),
      26: Discipline(1), Save(45),
      27: Discipline(1), Perform(3), Tumble(5), Save(43),
      28: Discipline(1), Perform(2), Save(47),
      29: Perform(6), Save(48),
      30: Disable Trap(26), Open Lock(5), Search(23), Set Trap(5),
      31: Discipline(1), Perform(6),
      32: Perform(2), Tumble(5),
      33: Discipline(2), Listen(4), Perform(1),
      34: Concentration(2), Discipline(3), Listen(1), Perform(1),
      35: Concentration(4), Discipline(1), Listen(1), Perform(1),
      36: Concentration(5), Discipline(1), Perform(1),
      37: Discipline(1), Perform(1), Tumble(5),
      38: Concentration(5), Discipline(1), Perform(1),
      39: Concentration(5), Discipline(1), Perform(1),
      40: Concentration(4), Discipline(1), Listen(1), Perform(1),

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