The Gnomish Piper – Wizard 23 / Bard 16 / Cleric 1

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      Why are there no Wizard/Bards? I could find only one attempt across all of the ECB archive and forum.

      Here I go for a summoner/enchanter with a good song to buff his party and debuff enemies. This build is made for the World of Greyhawk PW. Many choices are not as good in vanilla NWN or other environments.

      This character has a 20% experience penalty from level 25.

      Features (on WoG):

      • Wizard 23 for near-undispellability, EMA(24), EW(31), ESF:Conjuration and Enchantment for buffs to summons and high DC on Dominate Monster. 32 INT caps at 44 for one extra level 9 spell per day. Empower and Still Spell for IGMS spam if needed. 29 Spell Penetration. Craft Wand provides extra spell slots for rainy days.
      • Bard 16 for a good song/curse song, and for something to do with the many skillpoints. Bard spells up to level 4 are nice to have too.
      • Cleric 1 for improved summons, and for the cheese of cheeses: Shield of Faith gives +7 Deflection AC to your summons from level 22 on, which is a +3 improvement over Mage Armor. It only lasts 1 minute, but oh boy. Unfortunately this seems to not work if you cast it from wands.

      As usual when building Wizards, I have no idea what to do with the skillpoints, so this guy has max Hide, MS, and Taunt, as well as 33 Appraise. The idea is that you can start using Taunt after getting EW and EMA, to give your summons a boost to AB. Overall, at level 40 you can provide your Elemental Noble (on WoG):

      • +13 Dodge AC (hits the cap?)
      • +15 other AC + 2 effective AC (from Curse Song)
      • +10 effective AC vs single enemies (from Bigby 5)
      • +4 AB +11 effective AB (from Curse Song+Taunt)
      • Empowered Bull’s and Cat’s
      • Disables all over the place (Stinking Cloud, Evard’s, Bigby hands, Grease) to further increase effective AB

      I think the idea is nice and could be powerful, this execution can probably be improved in many ways…

      The Gnomish Piper

      Bard(16), Wizard(23), Cleric(1), Gnome, Neutral Evil

      STR: 6
      DEX: 8
      CON: 14
      WIS: 12
      INT: 18 (32)
      CHA: 14

      Gnome: (Defensive Training vs. Giants, Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Low-light Vision, Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids, Offensive Training vs. Reptilians, Skill Affinity: Concentration, Skill Affinity: Listen, Small Stature, Spell Focus: Illusion)
      01: Bard(1): Curse Song
      02: Cleric(1): Domain Animal, Domain Plant
      03: Wizard(1): Spell Focus: Conjuration, {Scribe Scroll}, Necromancy school
      04: Wizard(2): INT+1, (INT=19)
      05: Wizard(3)
      06: Wizard(4): Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
      07: Wizard(5): Craft Wand
      08: Wizard(6): INT+1, (INT=20)
      09: Wizard(7): Spell Focus: Enchantment
      10: Wizard(8)
      11: Wizard(9)
      12: Wizard(10): INT+1, Empower Spell, Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, (INT=21)
      13: Wizard(11)
      14: Wizard(12)
      15: Wizard(13): Still Spell
      16: Wizard(14): INT+1, (INT=22)
      17: Wizard(15): Spell Penetration
      18: Wizard(16): Greater Spell Penetration
      19: Wizard(17)
      20: Wizard(18): INT+1, (INT=23)
      21: Wizard(19): Epic Spell Penetration
      22: Wizard(20): Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration
      23: Bard(2)
      24: Wizard(21): INT+1, Epic Spell: Epic Mage Armor, (INT=24)
      25: Bard(3)
      26: Bard(4)
      27: Bard(5): Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment
      28: Bard(6): INT+1, (INT=25)
      29: Bard(7)
      30: Wizard(22): Great Intelligence I, (INT=26)
      31: Wizard(23): Epic Spell: Epic Warding
      32: Bard(8): INT+1, (INT=27)
      33: Bard(9): Great Intelligence II, (INT=28)
      34: Bard(10)
      35: Bard(11)
      36: Bard(12): INT+1, Great Intelligence III, (INT=30)
      37: Bard(13)
      38: Bard(14)
      39: Bard(15): Great Intelligence IV, (INT=31)
      40: Bard(16): INT+1, (INT=32)

      Hitpoints: 276
      Skillpoints: 393
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 20/26/17
      Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +10, Mind Effects: +2
      BAB: 19
      AB (max, naked): 18 (melee), 19 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane items only): 18/28
      Spell Casting: Bard(4),Wizard(9),Cleric(1)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Appraise 33(44), Concentration 43(47), Disable Trap 1(12), Hide 43(46), Listen 43(50), Move Silently 43(46), Open Lock 1(0), Perform 28(30), Spellcraft 43(54), Taunt 43(45), Tumble 40(39), UMD 30(32)

      01: Concentration(4), Disable Trap(1), Hide(4), Listen(4), Move Silently(4), Open Lock(1), Perform(1), Spellcraft(4), Tumble(3), UMD(4),
      02: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(4),
      03: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(8),
      04: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(12),
      05: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(16),
      06: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(20),
      07: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(24),
      08: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(29),
      09: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(34),
      10: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(39),
      11: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(44),
      12: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(49),
      13: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(54),
      14: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(59),
      15: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(64),
      16: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(70),
      17: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(76),
      18: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(82),
      19: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(88),
      20: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(94),
      21: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(100),
      22: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(106),
      23: Concentration(1), Hide(22), Listen(22), Move Silently(22), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(22), UMD(22),
      24: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(7),
      25: Concentration(1), Hide(2), Listen(2), Move Silently(2), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(5), UMD(2),
      26: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(5), UMD(1),
      27: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Tumble(5), UMD(1),
      28: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(3),
      29: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(6),
      30: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(7),
      31: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(15),
      32: Concentration(1), Hide(3), Listen(3), Move Silently(3), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(8), Tumble(5),
      33: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(6), Save(1),
      34: Appraise(6), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(2), Save(1),
      35: Appraise(4), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(2),
      36: Appraise(7), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      37: Appraise(3), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(5),
      38: Appraise(5), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      39: Appraise(5), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Perform(3), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1),
      40: Appraise(3), Concentration(1), Hide(1), Listen(1), Move Silently(1), Perform(6), Spellcraft(1), Taunt(1)


        Thanks for sharing this idea of a dual DC conjuration/enchantment Wizard / Bard gnome summoner!

        It really has two summons at a time I understand, the empowered Summon Creature, and non-mind immune enemies controlled with Dominate Monster. These can then be buffed and have bard song applied! It’s very interesting. A familiar can also be added, although these tend not to be durable.

        I think the Str 6 is too hard to play with from an encumbrance point of view. There aren’t a lot of bags of holding in WoG. If one equips spellsword armor/shields this will be an issue. I’d probably drop starting Int or Wis to put Str up to 10-12.

        Do be a bit careful with the Taunt checks with a low HP character with 8 base dex! Perhaps Con can be put for 16 to make use of the Gnome +2 bonus?

        RE skills I agree it is tricky. You could drop stealth skills and craft a wand of invisibility. And use the remaining points to invest into Discipline (there are a handful of custom discipline checks) and a sprinkle of points into Lore, Set Trap / Disable Trap, and Craft Trap/Craft Weapon?

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