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August 2, 2021 at 6:41 am #1110
This is a build made for the World of Greyhawk PW, with custom rules as of August 1, 2021.
This is a dual spellbook spellbow with strong summons. I played it to low 30s on WoG and it’s so far one of the most fun and most powerful builds I have ever played.
He has full Cleric and Wizard spellbooks, ESF:Evocation for Hammer of the Gods / Blade Barrier / Implosion, ESF:Conjuration for buffs to summons and SoV, and Craft Wand for good measure. And he has EWS, Blind Fight, and Improved Critical with +65 self-buffed AB (with capped WIS).
On WoG you can cast GMW on both bow and arrows, for +5 AB, +5 Mighty, and +5 damage; moreover you can also cast Darkfire on arrows. You can easily get first a sling and then a shortbow with infinite ammo, which allows you to buff once and shoot forever. Animal Domain gives you an improved version of Summon IX spell, and ESF:Conjuration makes your summons have several bonuses and improves the effect of AC boosting spells on them. As a result, you can summon a Water Elemental Princess with 558 HP and 60+ AC at level 21. Add Darkness+Ultravision, Hammer of the Gods, Word of Faith, Blade Barrier, SoV, Flame Strike, Firestorm, and even Grease and Stinking Cloud (Conjuration school!) and pepper with arrows. When you get to endgame levels your summons lose value, but you learn the Bigby spells and eventually Mord and Time Stop to immobilise enemies and place Blade Barriers underneath them.
The disadvantages of this build are manifold: you have non-existent AC, very low HP, and a terrible Reflex save. Your playstyle involves never getting attacked, and wearing DR gear against archers and spells. You also have little carrying capacity and 20% experience penalty from level 23 on.
I think this class combination with full Wizard and Cleric spellbooks is new.
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
The Windkindler – Cleric(19), Illusionist(17), Fighter(4), Human, any alignment.
STR: 9
DEX: 8
CON: 8
WIS: 18 (32)
INT: 17 (19)
CHA: 8Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Cleric(1): Spell Focus: Conjuration, Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Domain Animal, Domain Plant
02: Cleric(2)
03: Cleric(3): Extend Spell
04: Cleric(4): WIS+1, (WIS=19)
05: Cleric(5)
06: Cleric(6): Zen Archery
07: Cleric(7)
08: Cleric(8): WIS+1, (WIS=20)
09: Cleric(9): Craft Wand
10: Cleric(10)
11: Cleric(11)
12: Cleric(12): WIS+1, Spell Focus: Evocation, (WIS=21)
13: Illusionist(1): {Scribe Scroll}
14: Cleric(13)
15: Cleric(14): Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
16: Cleric(15): WIS+1, (WIS=22)
17: Fighter(1): Improved Critical: Shortbow
18: Fighter(2): Blind Fight, Weapon Focus: Shortbow
19: Cleric(16)
20: Illusionist(2): WIS+1, (WIS=23)
21: Cleric(17): Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration
22: Illusionist(3)
23: Illusionist(4)
24: Illusionist(5): WIS+1, Epic Weapon Focus: Shortbow, Epic Spell Focus: Evocation, (WIS=24)
25: Illusionist(6)
26: Fighter(3)
27: Fighter(4): Weapon Specialization: Shortbow, Epic Weapon Specialization: Shortbow
28: Illusionist(7): WIS+1, (WIS=25)
29: Illusionist(8)
30: Illusionist(9): Great Wisdom I, (WIS=26)
31: Illusionist(10): Great Intelligence I, (INT=18)
32: Illusionist(11): WIS+1, (WIS=27)
33: Illusionist(12): Great Wisdom II, (WIS=28)
34: Illusionist(13)
35: Illusionist(14)
36: Illusionist(15): WIS+1, Great Wisdom III, Great Intelligence II, (WIS=30), (INT=19)
37: Illusionist(16)
38: Illusionist(17)
39: Cleric(18): Great Wisdom IV, (WIS=31)
40: Cleric(19): WIS+1, (WIS=32)Hitpoints: 220
Skillpoints: 267
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 22/34/14
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +9
BAB: 25
AB (max, naked): 24 (melee), 39 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane items only): 13/24
Spell Casting: Cleric(9),Wizard(9)
Alignment Changes: 0Appraise 5(9), Concentration 43(42), Disable Trap 1(5), Listen 21(32), Lore 1(5), Open Lock 1(0), Search 21(25), Spellcraft 43(47), Spot 21(32), Tumble 20(19)
01: Concentration(4), Disable Trap(1), Open Lock(1), Search(2), Spellcraft(4), Spot(2), Tumble(2),
02: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
03: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
04: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
05: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
06: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
07: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
08: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
09: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
10: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
11: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
12: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
13: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
14: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
15: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
16: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
17: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1), Save(1),
18: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Save(4),
19: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(3), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
20: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
21: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
22: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
23: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
24: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
25: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1),
26: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Save(3),
27: Concentration(1), Search(1), Spot(1), Tumble(1), Save(2),
28: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(3), Save(2),
29: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1),
30: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(2),
31: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1),
32: Appraise(1), Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(3),
33: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Save(2),
34: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(7),
35: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Save(6),
36: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(11),
37: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Tumble(5),
38: Appraise(2), Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(1),
39: Concentration(1), Listen(1), Search(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1),
40: Appraise(2), Concentration(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(1)August 3, 2021 at 2:53 am #1113Orion
Thanks for sharing! Looks really nice!
You probably will have so many spells plus crafted magic (scrolls and wands), quickbar management might become a challenge!
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