Valen Shadowbreath – The Tiefling Warrior – Fighter 12 / Blackguard 25 / Bard 3

Home Forums Character Builds NWN Campaign NPC rebuilds Valen Shadowbreath – The Tiefling Warrior – Fighter 12 / Blackguard 25 / Bard 3

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  • #950
    Maximillian Kane

      Hail, everyone!


      This is my interpretation of Valen Shadowbreath, the Seer’s personal guardian and a potential henchman in HotU. I will never understand many things about the way Bioware built him in regards to what his background is. The guy spent close to eternity fighting the Blood Wars, where he was basically a general (commanded forces). Then Bioware decided to make him a Fighter / Weapon Master! Why? What’s the only class that can summon fiendish allies? What class could represent his leadership over fiendish troops? The answers are Blackguard and Bard respectively, although you could build him with Rogue as well, for more goodies. In fact I have both builds for him. One with Bard, which is more RP-oriented, and one with Rogue, which is more powergamey. The Rogue version is more powerful, the Bard version is more faithful to his character. I also could’ve gone for DevCrit early, but I think the most accurate representation of Valen is to get Epic Fiendish Servant ASAP, even though it sucks LOL.


      I’ll post both versions below, so you can decide which one you’d like to take out for a spin. I leveled the Rogue version to 40 in some Single Player modules, and I have a level 14 Valen on WoG that I eventually want to level up as well. He’s a VERY POWERFUL melee combatant ith his heavy flail, but can go Sword / Board and fight in Improved Expertise if things get hairy and he needs AC. He has Taunt to lower enemy AB and all the Sneak Attack damage he needs with 25 Blackguard levels, although in the Rogue version, a couple more never hurt! Again, you can’t be a Tiefling in NWN, so you need to type it as a Sub-race to properly display it in the character sheet.


      Ladies and Gentlemen, Valen Shadowbreath!




      Bard version:

      Blackguard(25), Fighter(12), Bard(3), Human (Tiefling)

      STR: 16 (32)
      DEX: 8
      CON: 12
      WIS: 8
      INT: 14
      CHA: 16

      Human: (Quick to Master)
      01: Fighter(1): Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus: Heavy Flail
      02: Fighter(2): Expertise
      03: Fighter(3): Knockdown
      04: Fighter(4): STR+1, Weapon Specialization: Heavy Flail, (STR=17)
      05: Fighter(5)
      06: Fighter(6): Toughness, Blind Fight
      07: Fighter(7)
      08: Blackguard(1): STR+1, (STR=18)
      09: Blackguard(2): Improved Critical: Heavy Flail, {Smite Good}
      10: Blackguard(3)
      11: Blackguard(4)
      12: Blackguard(5): STR+1, Improved Knockdown, (STR=19)
      13: Blackguard(6)
      14: Blackguard(7)
      15: Blackguard(8): Divine Shield
      16: Blackguard(9): STR+1, (STR=20)
      17: Fighter(8): Improved Expertise
      18: Blackguard(10): Divine Might
      19: Fighter(9)
      20: Fighter(10): STR+1, Great Cleave, (STR=21)
      21: Blackguard(11): Armor Skin
      22: Bard(1)
      23: Blackguard(12)
      24: Blackguard(13): STR+1, Great Strength I, Epic Weapon Focus: Heavy Flail, (STR=23)
      25: Fighter(11)
      26: Fighter(12): Epic Weapon Specialization: Heavy Flail
      27: Blackguard(14): Great Strength II, (STR=24)
      28: Blackguard(15): STR+1, (STR=25)
      29: Blackguard(16): Epic Fiendish Servant
      30: Blackguard(17): Great Strength III, (STR=26)
      31: Blackguard(18)
      32: Bard(2): STR+1, (STR=27)
      33: Blackguard(19): Great Strength IV, Overwhelming Critical: Heavy Flail, (STR=28)
      34: Blackguard(20)
      35: Blackguard(21)
      36: Blackguard(22): STR+1, Great Strength V, Devastating Critical: Heavy Flail, (STR=30)
      37: Bard(3)
      38: Blackguard(23)
      39: Blackguard(24): Great Strength VI, (STR=31)
      40: Blackguard(25): STR+1, Epic Prowess, (STR=32)

      Hitpoints: 468
      Skillpoints: 221
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 28/18/18
      Saving Throw bonuses:
      BAB: 30
      AB (max, naked): 45 (melee), 30 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 19/30
      Spell Casting: Bard(1)
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Concentration 43(44), Discipline 43(54), Hide 5(4), Lore 1(6), Perform 9(12), Taunt 43(46), Tumble 40(39), UMD 32(35)

      01: Discipline(4), Hide(2), Save(12),
      02: Discipline(1), Save(16),
      03: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Save(18),
      04: Discipline(1), Save(22),
      05: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Save(24),
      06: Discipline(1), Save(28),
      07: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Save(30),
      08: Discipline(1), Taunt(11), Save(23),
      09: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(26),
      10: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(29),
      11: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(32),
      12: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(35),
      13: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(38),
      14: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(41),
      15: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(44),
      16: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(47),
      17: Discipline(1), Save(51),
      18: Discipline(1), Taunt(2), Save(53),
      19: Discipline(1), Save(57),
      20: Discipline(1), Save(61),
      21: Discipline(1), Taunt(3), Save(62),
      22: Concentration(8), Discipline(1), Perform(9), Taunt(1), Tumble(25), UMD(25),
      23: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      24: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      25: Concentration(4), Discipline(1),
      26: Concentration(4), Discipline(1),
      27: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Taunt(3),
      28: Concentration(2), Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(1),
      29: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(4),
      30: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(7),
      31: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(10),
      32: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(10), UMD(5),
      33: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      34: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      35: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      36: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(2),
      37: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Tumble(5), UMD(2),
      38: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      39: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      40: Concentration(2), Discipline(1), Lore(1), Taunt(1),


      Rogue version:

      Blackguard(25), Fighter(12), Rogue(3), Human (Tiefling)

      STR: 16 (32)
      DEX: 8
      CON: 12
      WIS: 8
      INT: 14
      CHA: 16

      Human: (Quick to Master)
      01: Fighter(1): Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus: Heavy Flail
      02: Fighter(2): Expertise
      03: Fighter(3): Knockdown
      04: Fighter(4): STR+1, Weapon Specialization: Heavy Flail, (STR=17)
      05: Fighter(5)
      06: Fighter(6): Toughness, Blind Fight
      07: Fighter(7)
      08: Blackguard(1): STR+1, (STR=18)
      09: Blackguard(2): Improved Critical: Heavy Flail, {Smite Good}
      10: Blackguard(3)
      11: Blackguard(4)
      12: Blackguard(5): STR+1, Improved Knockdown, (STR=19)
      13: Blackguard(6)
      14: Blackguard(7)
      15: Blackguard(8): Divine Shield
      16: Blackguard(9): STR+1, (STR=20)
      17: Fighter(8): Improved Expertise
      18: Blackguard(10): Divine Might
      19: Fighter(9)
      20: Fighter(10): STR+1, Great Cleave, (STR=21)
      21: Blackguard(11): Armor Skin
      22: Rogue(1)
      23: Blackguard(12)
      24: Blackguard(13): STR+1, Great Strength I, Epic Weapon Focus: Heavy Flail, (STR=23)
      25: Fighter(11)
      26: Fighter(12): Epic Weapon Specialization: Heavy Flail
      27: Blackguard(14): Great Strength II, (STR=24)
      28: Blackguard(15): STR+1, (STR=25)
      29: Blackguard(16): Epic Fiendish Servant
      30: Blackguard(17): Great Strength III, (STR=26)
      31: Blackguard(18)
      32: Rogue(2): STR+1, {Evasion}, (STR=27)
      33: Blackguard(19): Great Strength IV, Overwhelming Critical: Heavy Flail, (STR=28)
      34: Blackguard(20)
      35: Blackguard(21)
      36: Blackguard(22): STR+1, Great Strength V, Devastating Critical: Heavy Flail, (STR=30)
      37: Rogue(3): {Uncanny Dodge I}
      38: Blackguard(23)
      39: Blackguard(24): Great Strength VI, (STR=31)
      40: Blackguard(25): STR+1, Epic Prowess, (STR=32)

      Hitpoints: 468
      Skillpoints: 233
      Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 28/18/18
      Saving Throw bonuses:
      BAB: 30
      AB (max, naked): 45 (melee), 30 (ranged)
      AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 19/30
      Spell Casting:
      Alignment Changes: 0

      Concentration 43(44), Disable Trap 1(3), Discipline 42(53), Hide 5(4), Lore 11(13), Open Lock 1(0), Taunt 43(46), Tumble 40(39), UMD 32(35)

      01: Disable Trap(1), Discipline(4), Hide(2), Open Lock(1), Save(8),
      02: Discipline(1), Save(12),
      03: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Save(14),
      04: Discipline(1), Save(18),
      05: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Save(20),
      06: Discipline(1), Save(24),
      07: Discipline(1), Hide(1), Save(26),
      08: Discipline(1), Taunt(11), Save(19),
      09: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(22),
      10: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(25),
      11: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(28),
      12: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(31),
      13: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(34),
      14: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(37),
      15: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(40),
      16: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(43),
      17: Discipline(1), Save(47),
      18: Discipline(1), Taunt(2), Save(49),
      19: Discipline(1), Save(53),
      20: Discipline(1), Save(57),
      21: Discipline(1), Taunt(3), Save(58),
      22: Concentration(8), Tumble(25), UMD(25), Save(3),
      23: Concentration(3), Discipline(2), Lore(1), Taunt(2),
      24: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      25: Concentration(4), Discipline(1),
      26: Concentration(4), Discipline(1),
      27: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Taunt(3),
      28: Concentration(2), Discipline(1), Lore(1), Taunt(1),
      29: Discipline(1), Lore(3), Taunt(1),
      30: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(3),
      31: Discipline(1), Taunt(1), Save(6),
      32: Tumble(10), UMD(5), Save(2),
      33: Concentration(3), Discipline(2), Taunt(2),
      34: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      35: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      36: Concentration(1), Discipline(1), Lore(2), Taunt(1),
      37: Lore(3), Tumble(5), UMD(2), Save(1),
      38: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(2),
      39: Concentration(3), Discipline(1), Taunt(1),
      40: Concentration(2), Discipline(1), Lore(1), Taunt(1),


      I hope you like both versions of him!


      Take it EZ!


        ok, it was a long time ago, but I can’t help but leave a comment

        Valen was not a general and did not command anyone when he was in the abyss. he himself clearly said that he was nothing more than a dumb soldier

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